đź“š Sun, Feb 26, 1–4 pm: Reading Group “Slits in the Monolith” Session 3


Air Berlin Alexanderplatz

invites you to

Sunday, 26 February 2023, 1–4 pm | READING GROUP


Slits in the Monolith

Session #3

Hopscotch Reading Room workshop space
Gerichtstr. 45, 13347 Berlin


A reading group about institutional critique

Hosted by Eleonora Toniolo, Mio Kojima, Mujgan Abdulzade and Neige Sanchez

Museums, galleries, art schools, and other cultural institutions have been promoting “inclusion” and “diversity” with increasing vigor. But who does this apparent change actually benefit? When museums make so-called marginalized positions more visible but still lack support systems, when decolonization is included in the curriculum, but universities still promote Western ideologies, diversity and inclusion remain a shallow promise, while discriminatory structures are solidified and marginalized positions once again exploited.  

In three sessions, the reading events explore the friction between visibility and appropriation by reading and discussing together critical texts about art, cultural and design institutions. As a group, we will examine how to shift an exploitative act of “looking at” into an intentional practice of “looking with and alongside one another” and ask how to articulate critical thinking within cultural institutions from counter-hegemonic perspectives. Our aim is not to look for simplified take-away solutions but rather to develop collective thinking and knowledge sharing practices, while leaving room for doubts and fragilities.


Text for Session 3 

“Institutional Mechanics” in “What’s the Use?” by Sara Ahmed

The text will be sent to you a week beforehand in case you prefer to read it alone. However, the format will dedicate some time for collective reading.


Register now!

Seats are limited to 10 people. The event is free of charge and for FLINTA/queer/BIPOC only to ensure a safer space to discuss and share thoughts and own experiences. Please also have a look at the code of conduct before [removed];

This is the last of three sessions. Registrations for the second session are still open: 
Sun, Feb 19, 4–7pm | diffrakt, Crellestr. 22, 10827 Berlin
“Existing in the World: Blackness at the Edge of Trans Visibility,”
Che Gossett and Juliana Huxtable in conversation in “Trap Door, Trans Cultural Production and the Politics of Visibility,” edited by Reina Gossett, Eric A. Stanley and Johanna Burton

Eleonora Toniolo (she/her) is an interdisciplinary designer—in the midst of social, graphic and product design—with an inclination toward creating relational experiences.

Mio Kojima (she/her) is a German-Japanese designer, researcher, and educator with a focus on collaborative, intersectional, feminist, and decolonial approaches to creating and sharing [removed];

Mujgan Abdulzade (she/her) is a visual designer with a strong interest in information design and storytelling. Her work tries to shed light on gender, social, and environmental issues through design activism strategies.

Neige Sanchez (they/them) is a French-swiss visual artist, photographer, curator, and [removed];Neige’s research focuses on the politics of representation and (in)visibility through queer-feminist perspectives. Neige has been part of the Air Berlin Alexanderplatz residency program since September 2022.

Hopscotch Reading Room is an English language bookstore centering on non-western, diasporic, and queer perspectives. Its aim is to expand and deepen the experience of the non-western world in the realms of discourse and literature through a growing selection of books and an extensive program of events—readings, discussions, screenings, workshops, and reading groups.

Air Berlin Residency:

Neige Sanchez from September 2022–Feb 2023, Switzerland
Matheline Marmy from September 2022–Feb 2023, Switzerland
Machiel van Stokkum from September–December 2022, Netherlands

ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz) [removed] / Schöneberger Str. 13 / DE-10963 Berlin / [removed]
Team: Susanne, Aleksander, Stefanie