Q-O2 News :: Oscillation ::: o tempo 27/04 – 30/04

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

27 April – 30 April
Oscillation ::: o tempo

It’s that time of the year again ::: our annual festival is taking place in less than three months. After online and nomadic editions, the festival takes on a mainly sedentary form: this year’s edition is hosted by Needcompany and HISK in [removed];The line-up breakdown per day will go online soon, as will the ticket sale – keep an eye on our festival website to stay tuned.

This year, we reflect reflect on the notion of time. Time fas­ci­nates because of its per­va­sive­ness: there is no way to think around it. As with any­thing so ubiq­ui­tu­ous, an assump­tion of time as nat­ur­al and non-nego­tiable is quick­ly made, but con­cepts of time are con­struc­tions, and those con­struc­tions depend strong­ly on social and tech­no­log­i­cal real­i­ties. Sound and music offer a space where aspects of this oth­er­wise ungras­peable mat­ter can be made tan­gi­ble, where we can exper­i­ment with its many facets and pos­si­ble approach­es.

The four days of Oscillation 2023 will pro­pose dif­fer­ent set­tings to explore these con­sid­er­a­tions. Day by day will zoom in on aspects such as dis­place­ment in time by mem­o­ry or antic­i­pa­tion; time-struc­tur­ing instru­ments like rhythm, ges­ture, pulse, rep­e­ti­tion or silence; dura­tional simul­tane­ity in which the audi­ence can nav­i­gate; and the sub­jec­tive tem­po­ral expe­ri­ence of impro­vi­sa­tion which strong­ly draws on relationality.


Younes Zarhoni, Limpe Fuchs & Valérie Vivancos, Jung An Tagen, Éliane Radigue’s Sigma, Katharina Ernst, Rebecca Lane & Clara de Asís, Mark Vernon, Charlemagne Palestine, Clara Lévy, Asuna, Marija Rasa, Juliet Fraser performs Morton Feldman, Jessica Ekomane, Ameel Brecht, Maia Urstad, John McCowen, Maria Komarova, Farida Amadou, Felix Kubin, Hans-Christian Dany, and more.

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