Sustainability Salon #4, Saturday, 21 January, 16:30h!!
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This salon situates itself on the intersection of sustainability, image-production and photography.
Air Berlin Alexanderplatz
invites you to
Graphic Design by Marie Faass and Isabel Motz
Saturday, 21 January 2023, 4:30 –7 pm | SUSTAINABILITY SALON #4
Not merely a passive form of objective representation
Location: gOLab Labor für analoge C-Prints, Köpenickerstrasse, links 147[removed] [removed], 10997 Berlin
Conceived by Susanne Kriemann with Laurence Favre,Anna Rosa Krau, Susanna Kirschnick, The Sustainable Photography AG/ Pierre-Eric Baumann, Anaïs Tondeur, Füsun Türetken in cooperation with the Swiss Embassy in Berlin
This salon situates itself on the intersection of sustainability, image-production and photography. A group of professionals in the field of photography, art and design gather at gOlab, a colordarkroom founded by Susanne Kirschnick in 2000 in Berlin