Kristof Van Heeschvelde
For this edition Kristof will transform his studio in a temporal bar where you are welcome to enjoy a freshly brewed Cornet beer, have a look at his latest series of works made during his residency in Paris and have a good chat in good company. Welcome!
participating artists to the Open Studios Lindenlei: Kristof Van Heeschvelde, Bart Spitaels, Stephanie Gildemyn, Conrad Willems, Manon De Craene, Elisia Poelman, Gianni Skoric, Ine Smet, Isabel Devos, Lieven Lefere, Jana Vasiljevic, Valery Konevin, Jean-Marie Bytebier, Pieter Rosseel, Simon Van Parys, Ines Claus, Niels Ketelers, Marjolein Labeeû, Annouk Thys, Sven Boel, Felix Fasolt, Bart Vansteenkiste, Isa D’hondt, Wannes Goetschalckx, Leen Galle, Leo Gabin, Cecilia Jaime