Saturday 27 Aug, 5pm-7pm ABA Salon #83 by Lieven Lahaye!



Air Berlin Alexanderplatz

invites you to



Image: ‘Can’t Do Hard Sun Whim’, 2022
Sun-bleached construction paper (framed) by Lieven Lahaye



 Salon #83
Hard Sun / Impressed

by Lieven Lahaye
Saturday, 27 August 2022, 5pm – 8pm
with a talk [removed]

Friedrichstraße 23, 10969 Berlin, Germany

“When photographs are developed the originally white printing paper becomes impressed with the effects of light upon it. The smooth, pure undefiled surface of such paper thus bears the indicia of light upon it. When blue jeans are worn, the originally dark blue denim cloth becomes impressed with the effects of wear upon it.” (‘Everybody Wants Exposure’ / Duncan Smith)

To conclude his residency at Air Berlin Alexanderplatz, Lieven Lahaye will present recent publications, writings and prints focussing on near invisibility, the word ‘nast’ and exposure to sun, heat and wear.

Lieven Lahaye (1985, Belgium) is an artist interested in the value of ephemeral information and amateur practices. He produces printed matter, objects and performances with the aim of cataloging, reactivating, highlighting and sharing information. Since 2016, he’s written and published ‘Catalog’, a serial publication about cataloging, designed by Ott Metusala. His writing has recently been published in “Dear Friend” (EKA, 2022), “Experimental Jetset: Superstructure” (Roma Publications, 2021), “Meeting Grounds” (Onomatopee, 2019), Real-Time Realist #2 (JLTF-Press, 2019). He’s currently an artist-in-residence at Air Berlin Alexanderplatz.










AIR Berlin Residency: 

Dorothy Wong Ka Chung, Benjamin Ryser from March 2022 – August 2022 -Hong Kong and Switzerland
Lieven Lahaye from May 2022 – August, 2022 Belgium



Anna Chistoserdova & Valentina Kiselyova
from Mart 2022 – February 2023 Belarus

Salons on Sustainability
in collaboration with the Swiss Embassy: Sustainable Photography | World Building | Science Fiction & Sustainability | Mending Practices



ABA (Air Berlin Alexanderplatz) [removed] / Schöneberger Str. 13 / DE-10963 Berlin / [removed]
Team: Susanne, Marjolein, Tatiana, Aleksander, Stefanie