Damien & The Love Guru
 Installation view
 extended until 17. September 2022
While the term originates in psychiatry, euphoric recall can also be applied to other spheres to describe the phenomenon whereby episodes from the past become catalysts for creative potential. Euphoric recall can be used to describe Vanessa Disler summoning the artistic anima of Martin Disler (1949-1996) the Swiss artist whose legacy has been a touchstone for her for several years. Now remembered predominately as a proponent of the Neue Wilde. Martin Disler’s work typifies how many artists in the early 1980’s attempted to sidestep what they saw as an excessively cerebral and etiolated approach to making art. A self proclaimed outsider, Disler believed art should be intense, intimate and spontaneous. Vanessa draws upon Martin’s visual vocabulary while sharing his aspiration to make paintings imbued with personal, historical and archetypal meaning. She too is drawn to the visceral immediacy of expressionism and her engagement with painting is exuberant and sensual. There is a palpable jouissance to Vanessa’s application of paint; works are distinguished by rapid, vigorous brushwork created via spontaneous gestures. Like her predecessor, Vanessa uses archetypal symbols in her work, demonstrated here in the imagery on each side of the painted structure; the depictions of day and night; the eternity loop; the square spiral and patterning resembling rusted chainmail fencing. Both share a propensity for using language in their work, as highlighted here in the three steel ‘gates’ installed in the garden. (excerpt of the exhibition text by Padraic E. Moore)
 Vanessa Disler, Butterflyeffect, 2015, steel rebar, 190 x 150 cm / [removed] x [removed] in
Summer Sundowner with snacks and drinks at Haus zum Öpfelbaum Saturday 30. July from 7 – 10pm Zollikerstrasse 249-251
Damien & The Love Guru Vanessa Disler Light Sleeper
[removed] Salon Solaire Jordan Belson, Johanna Odersky, Jutta Zimmermann, Albert Oehlen & Carsten Nicolai, Vidja Gastaldon, Thomas Sauter
flatmarkus Secret Xie Lei
CURRENTLY Jasmin Werner Stufen fur Kunst March 2022 – March 2023 Kunstverein Hannover
UPCOMING Julian Irlinger Hanna-Maria Hammari, James Krone, Tetsumi Kudo, José Montealegre, Berenice Olmedo, Darling Lopez-Salinas, Anna Solal, Zoe Williams Wet Resistance Opening 13. August 2022 Dortmund Kunstverein
Jasmin Werner there in spirit Opening 8. September 2022 as part of Brussels Gallery Weekend 8 – 11 September 2022 9. September – 22. October 2022 Damien & The Love Guru Brussels
Christiane Blattmann The Sculpture Factory as part of Brussels Gallery Weekend 8 – 11 September 2022 Maria Zahle, Xavier Mary, KRJST Studio, Haseeb Ahmed, Tatiana Wolska, Ana Mazzei, Enrique Ramir, Rafa Macarrón, Christoph Meier, Thomas Renwart, Jeanne Vicerial, Jean Katambayi Mukendi Boulevard Berlaimont 56 Brussels
Emanuele Marcuccio Opening 8. September 2022 Lodos Gallery Mexico City
Sharon Van Overmeiren Jef Geys, Fik van Gestel, Luc Deleu, Ria Pacquée, Guillaume Bijl, Liliane Vertessen, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Fred Bervoets, Anita Evenepoel, Luk Van Soom, Hans Op de Beeck, Vaast Colson, Tom Liekens, Dries Segers, Bart Van Dijck, Michèle Matyn, Nicolas Provost, Nick Andrews, Peter de Cupere, Nel Aerts, Filip Vervaet, Carole Vanderlinden, Peter Morrens, Nadia Naveau, Philippe Aguirre y Otegui and others Old Wine / New Bags Opening Friday 16. September 2022 De Warande Turnhout – Group show 17 – 18 September 2022 Open Monumentendagen Egmontpaleis Brussels
Anne Fellner Group show Opening 10. September 2022 PROVENCE Pavilion Zurich
Anne Fellner & Mickael Marman Opening 30. September 2022 Damien & The Love Guru Zürich