Tomorrow: Georgina Hill, In a cowslip’s bell I lie

Georgina Hill,

In a cowslip’s bell I lie.

Opening: Friday July 15th,  
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Exhibition continues until September 16th.

fluent is pleased to present In a cowslip’s bell I Lie, a solo exhibition by British artist Georgina Hill.

Taking Ariel’s verses in Shakespeare’s The Tempest as the title of the exhibition, Hill looks at the invisible impact of logistics and how it reveals the structural dimension of life and the systems it circulates through.

In the play, Ariel is presented as the airiest character, a spirit whose voice fluctuates in rhythm and movement. An invisible entity, whose subtle presence shifts the narrative. Aiming at a similar lightness, the two series of sculptures featured in this exhibition confront the commodified to the precarious, being its possible frictions a place for meanings to emerge. This in–between becomes a potentiality for the resilience of bodies and their interdependency, willing for an intimacy amid the violence of logistics, hyper-access and mobility in a white supremacist patriarchy.

Georgina Hill’s work is concerned with the interior processes of labour. She explores the intimacy generated in material structures as well as the inherent authoritarianism of such relations. She works in installation, video, drawing, and [removed];
With postgraduate study in English Literature at University College London, and a Masters in Fine Art at Goldsmiths University, London, she was also a student of Hito Steyerl at UdK Berlin. Her work has been shown at the Arnis Residency (Germany), Galerie Charraudeau (France), Seoul Biennale for Architecture and Urbanism (South Korea), Bulegoa z/b (Spain), Nida Art Colony (Lithuania), Art Night (UK), Museum of Photography (Germany), and Or Gallery (Canada), among others.

c / Luis Hoyos Sainz 2 (interior)
 39001, Santander, SP.
