Justine Cappelle, Over The Top (2020) 6 June – 7 July

Over The Top is a fast food style documentary about the hunt of the YOLO (‘you only live once’) generation to find meaning and fulfilment in modern life. How can you find and deserve your place in the world’s history, without killing people or, even worse, going into politics? Perhaps by putting an artwork on top of the Giza Pyramid?
Every month, highlights one particular work from the collection. It can be viewed online and on site on a window display at Koopliedenstraat 62 Rue des Commerçants (next to the rile* entrance).
Our Fluid Territories 18 June – 20 June

Our Fluid Territories is a three-day exhibition programme featuring the work of Dóra Benyó, Mladen Bundalo, Oleg Danilov & Mathieu Hendrickx, Nikolay Karabinovych, Naïmé Perrette, Ingel Vaikla and Jesse van [removed];The exhibition is co-curated by all artists involved and proposes overlapping film projections, installations, performances and two-dimensional works dealing with the transition from socialism to capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe – uprooting and rerouting official as well as subjective identities.
more information
Les Mercredis des Quais Wednesday 29 June, 14:00 – 17:00

Community and cultural organisations of the Quartier des Quais invite the whole neighbourhood for a block party on 29 June. ⓐⓡⓖⓞⓢ is providing entertainment for all, tea, coffee, sweets and DIY polaroids portraits! Meet us from 14:00 to 17:00 at the Marguerite Duras square for an afternoon of laidback togetherness!