Dromen van Post-precariteit: Kunstonderwijs en de Kracht van Verbeelding
Op 21 juni organiseert het Instituut voor Netwerkcultuur [removed] met Patricia de Vries (lector, Gerrit Rietveld Academie) het avondprogramma Dromen van post-precariteit: Kunstonderwijs en de kracht van [removed];In gesprek met kunstenaars, ontwerpers, onderzoekers en docenten zoeken we naar een collectieve hereiking in de toekomstscenario’s van de cultuursector. De urgenties zijn overduidelijk: sociale onveiligheid, teruglopende bezoekersaantallen en een slecht functionerende arbeidsmarkt. Tijdens Dromen van post-precariteit blijven we niet hangen in het herhalen van deze problematiek, maar richten we ons op consequenties en gevolgtrekkingen. Wat staat ons, cultuurwerkers, te doen?
Lees en meld je hier aan.
New Publication: Freire and the Perseverance of Hope – Exploring Communication and Social Change
Theory on Demand #43 – Edited by Ana Cristina Suzina & Thomas Tufte.
The Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (1921-1997) is one of the most important thinkers of the 21st Century, figuring among the most quoted authors in the fields of Education and Social Sciences all over the world. He is also a core reference to an infinite number of grassroots and activist initiatives globally. This book celebrates his birth centennial with a collection of 19 contributions from both experienced and young media and communication scholars and activists working in 11 countries. They reflect and debate Freire’s principles and ideas, revisiting their origins and interrogating their relevance to current challenges and struggles. The result can be summarized as a claim for affect as the core feature of social change and a tool for yielding resistance.
Read or order a copy here
Morphic minds is a mercurial school exploring artificiality and intelligence, locality and cosmos, language and poetry. We address the poetic and metaphorical interplay between notions of mind/intelligence and artificiality/technology. An inquiry on existent philosophies of both terms (artificiality and intelligence), while looking at ways artists, poets, and/or sci-fi writers establish novel configurations that go beyond them. Check out our first posts:
By Georgiana Cojocaru
The mind is an emergent event. Hereraclitus called it an enormous space whose boundaries, even by traveling along every path, could never be found out. Only by looking at the vasiform matter formations which are said to pre-condition its existence, such as tubes, dendrites, stems, peduncles, and complicated systems of innervation, one is mesmerized by the myriad operations and processes that pass through it. Continue reading…
Amplifying Voices from Inside the Ukrainian War Zone
The Institute of Network Cultures is in solidarity with those affected by the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Please check out these posts by or about those influenced by the Russian attacks:
Dispatches from the Place of Imminence, part 10 By Svitlana Matviyenko
May 9 – 29, 2022
The war did not end on May 9th. That day Russia celebrated the 77th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany with a large-scale military parade in Moscow’s Red [removed];To the huge disappointment of the public, there was no promised flying display of the supersonic Tu-160 strategic bombers… continue reading
Tactical Tech – In the loop Ukraine edition By Maria van der Togt
Tactical Tech is an international NGO that engages with citizens and civil-society organizations to explore and mitigate the impacts of technology on society. Their vision is a world where digital technologies can contribute to a more equitable, democratic, and sustainable society. To enable this change, they investigate how digital technologies impact society and individual autonomy, using their findings to create practical solutions for citizens and civil society actors…. continue reading
Stuck on the Platform
We’re all trapped. No matter how hard you try to delete apps from your phone, the power of seduction draws you back. Doom scrolling is the new normal of a 24/7 online life. What happens when your home office starts to feel like a call center and you’re too fried to log out of Facebook? We’re addicted to large-scale platforms, unable to return to the frivolous age of decentralized networks. How do we make sense of the rising disaffection with the platform condition? Zoom fatigue, cancel culture, crypto art, NFTs and psychic regression comprise core elements of a general theory of platform culture. Geert Lovink argues that we reclaim the internet on our own [removed];continue reading
INC Books
 In December 2021, we published the Post-Precarity Zine, a toolbox for beginning artists. Due to high demand, we have decided to print a second edition. Order a free paper copy of this and our other publications:
- PrtScn: The Lazy Art of Screenshot
- VideoVortex Reader III
- Let’s Get Physical. A Sample of INC Longforms.
Order here
Link list on NTFs, crypto art, blockchain and other MoneyLab issues (part 14)
By Geert Lovink [removed]
Argumentation Map: Pros and Cons of the Blockade of RT and Sputnik News in the EU
By Angela Gurtsieva [removed]
De Prijs voor de Jonge Kunstkritiek 2022 van start
By Sepp Eckenhaussen [removed]
By Angela Gurtsieva [removed]
‘We Are Not Doing Anything Illegal, Why Be Anonymous?’ — Interview with Maxim Kondratiev from Avtozak LIVE
By Angela Gurtsieva [removed]
Just Out: Cloud Money by Brett Scott
By Geert Lovink [removed]
The Techno-Utopia of the Grocery Delivery Platforms
By Marco te Brömmelstroet, Letizia Chiappini, and Ying-Tzu Lin [removed]
On the Artist Pension Trust and the Future of Self-Organized Redistribution
By Sepp Eckenhaussen [removed]
INC is hiring an intern
By Chloë Arkenbout [removed]
Noise is the Message, Short Essay for El Pais
By Geert Lovink [removed]
Mental Long Covid and the Techno-Social Unconscious-Interview with Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi
By Geert Lovink [removed]