INC Newsletter December 2021

A new zine and videos of our Post-Precarity autumn camp and more…

INC Newsletter December 2021

In this last newsletter of 2021, we update you on the Post-Precarity Autumn Camp. We published a zine which is a collection of the activities during the event. We also have published videos of the Autumn Camp. Scroll down for more…

INC will be closed from December 25th until January 9th.

We wish you a good holiday!

UPDATE: Post-Precarity Autumn Camp

From September 27th until October 1st, the Institute of Network Cultures, Hotel Maria Kapel (Hoorn), and Platform BK organized an autumn camp for young art workers. Fifteen recently graduated artists, designers, and theatre-makers were invited to five days of conversations, workshops, and communal activities.
Post-Precarity Zine

This zine collects extracts of texts, testimonials, precious reports, summaries of our daily programs, quotes, drawings and notes from the many participants and more. With this mumble jumble, we give you a window to our inspiring week, a toolkit, and a fragmented manifesto. We hope to inspire you with our critical reflections, optimism, and the actions taken during the Post-Precarity Autumn Camp!

Read and order a free print copy here

Released videos of the Post-Precarity Autumn Camp
‘The Elephant in the Device’
Silvio Lorusso on Gig Platform Fiverr

To kick off the Post-Precarity Autumn Camp, designer and researcher Silvio Lorusso gave a lecture on Fiverr, unpacking the six aspects of the gig platform that should be separately explored to ultimately arrive at an integral understanding. View here

‘Moneylab Updates 2021’ 
lecture by Geert Lovink at Hotel Maria Kapel

As crypto fantasies overflow with the same old biases, we once again put the question of the definition of money on the table. What is the definition of money of the digital age and who has the power to define what money is? The state has lost its monopoly on this definition power in the neoliberal era of past 40, 50 years… View here

DESKTOPIA: a blizzard of flakey hunches

Check out the newest blogpost on DESKTOPIA by @lbert Figurt. He also created an advent calendar as a continuation to this post.
It’s night,
at least outside.

Pixels are flowing down,
like a sharade of electrified snowflakes:

tiny little floating elementals,
peacefully fighting for some unique shiny spark,.. continue reading

INC Books

You can order a free paper copy of our latest publications:

  • Post-Precarity Zine
  • INC Reader #15 Critical Meme Reader: Global Mutations of the Viral Image 
  • VideoVortex Reader III 
  • Let’s Get Physical. A Sample of INC Longforms.
  • Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing

Order here 


Theory on Demands #42: Radical Housing: Art, Struggle, Care

Edited by Ana Vilenica

Housing space is a crucial locus of social reproduction, as it is a place where countless acts of care that sustain our lives take place. Yet, capital has forced its way into our homes, making them a battleground. Art is embedded and intermeshed in housing struggles in multiple ways. The essays and stage scripts in this collection engage with difficult questions around battles for home, the role of the arts, and the aesthetics of struggle. continue reading

Cycles: the Sacred and the Doomed, On Optimization, PMDD and its Metaphors.

by Morgane Billuart 

I woke up earlier than Juli. It’s day 15. The fog is slowly appearing around me. I don’t see it, but I feel and hear it. It is this silent cynical voice within my head telling me that every attempt is worthless. It is the slowly escalating anxiety rushing through my veins when I start focusing on what could go wrong. The sun’s rays are piercing through the mosquito net. Juli is still sleeping.

How do people do it? How can they do it? continue reading

#Overexposed: Technological Sadness, Overconsumption and Memory Loss

by Iris Hagel

As a designer, when I choose a topic to discuss, it is usually based on my own experiences. As I am a keen observer of human behavior,  I noticed something in my own behavior has changed in the past years. My emotions were being affected by something. Something that was not human. Something that slowly became a part of me without me realizing it… continue reading


Memes, Irony and Ugliness
By Idil Galip


A Poem about Screenshots
By Maisa Imamovic 


How Do Platforms Reshape Cultural Industries?
By Dunja Nešović


Writing the Feminist Internet: Reimagining Internet Sovereignty as Feminist Laissez-Faire
By Nancy Mauro-Flude


Raw Memory, Ephemerality of the Eternal in WhatsApp by Natalia Stanusch
By Geert Lovink


A Poem about a Container
By Maisa Imamovic 


Lars Spuybroek THE GRACE MACHINE Seminar
By Geert Lovink
