Mariana Silva, Tele–bio–socio–graphies.
December 21st, 2021 [removed] – [removed] [removed] Exhibition continues until February 28th. fluent is pleased to present Tele–bio–socio–graphies, a solo exhibition by Mariana Silva on technologies of wildlife observation, and the media that ensure bios can also exist as data. Through a new installation and site–specific intervention developed for fluent, tele-bio-socio-graphies questions how and when, for both biologists and documentary filmmakers, sensing techniques become audiovisual for the human eye and [removed]; The exhibition also launches Cyborg Wildlife, a work-in-progress film that reflects on forms of animal biologging and the modeling of endangered species, presented here within the installation. The film departs from the natural experiment that the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic constitutes for wildlife data collection, while looking at the significance of big data and computational models in contemporary conservation [removed];As part of the project, a series of interviews, a screening event will take place in January and February 2022.
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