Ketchup Sessions Alan Page Arriaga and Naufus Ramírez Figueroa touch upon the ways story and memory interweave. Their conversation explores performance and role-playing as strategies to reconcile narratives and strengthen the political formations where historical actors and fictitious characters, tangible facts, and mythic tales [removed];In conjunction with The Missing Circle on view at KADIST San Francisco through January 8, [removed];RSVP here for the Zoom link and to participate in the Q&[removed];
New programs available to stream now! Ketchup Sessions Maps are powerful tools for ordering the world and the discipline of cartography is inherent to colonialism and its lingering traces. Bustos and Dayrit discuss drawing, as information, and how it appears in their practices as vocabulary to unpack and counter historical processes of exclusion in Latin America and the Philippines [removed];
Online Video Exhibition Exploring how political narratives produced by imperialism often have far-reaching and multi-layered effects on subjects and their realities, the videos by 5 artists reflect on how events long passed continue to shape minds, bodies, and individual and intergenerational experiences. Through montage, the artists reinterpret official historiography by juxtaposing and interweaving documentary archival material with personal accounts. They reveal “foundational fictions” and reflect on trauma as a ghostly sense of being haunted. Online Video Exhibition This exhibition of Argentinian artist Gabriela Golder’s works traces the evolution of an artistic practice that draws on a restless, inquisitive yet tender gaze, expanding into new worlds and territories addressing sociopolitical political issues such as the effects of economic crisis and military [removed];The exhibition is a collaboration with Videobrasil.
Images: Alan Page Arriaga & Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa; Adriana Bustos & Cian Dayrit; Tuấn Andrew Nguyễn, Il n’y a pas d’Indochine (2017); Gabriela Golder, Laboratorio de invención social (o possibles formas de construcción colectiva). Full credits on [removed];
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