Opening tomorrow: “Various Positions” – HISK laureates 2021 exhibition. 9.12.2021, 18:00 – 22:00.

U bent van harte welkom op de opening van de HISK laureatententoonstelling 2021
“Various Positions” op donderdag 9 december van 18:00 tot 22:00, Gosset site, Brussel.
You are welcome to visit the opening of the HISK laureates 2021 exhibition  
“Various Positions” on Thursday 9 December from 18:00 till 22:00, Gosset site, Brussels.

All pictures by Dani Ghercă

HISK laureates 2021 exhibition
Curated by Sam Steverlynck 
Thursday [removed], 18:00 – 22:00

Thursday till Sunday, 12:00 – 18:00

Book Launch January 2022
Gosset site – Building A (first floor)
Rue Gabrielle Petitstraat 4 – 6,
1080 Brussels
Participating artistsDries Boutsen (BE), Nelleke Cloosterman (BE), Dani Ghercă (RO),  Olivia Hernaïz (BE), Karel Koplimets (EE), Nokukhanya Langa (US/ZA), Gaëlle Leenhardt (FR), Sandrine Morgante (BE/IT), Hadassa Ngamba (CD), Elisa Pinto (MX), Paulius Šliaupa (LT)

This is a Covid Safe Ticket Event. A mouth mask is required.
Due to the current health measures, no drinks will be served.

Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten
Higher Institute for Fine Arts

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