EXHIBITION – The exhibition If I Could Wish For Something brings together two recent films by Dora Garcia, Love With Obstacles and If I Could Wish For Something. Both films are part of Amor Rojo, a work-in-progress that studies Alexandra Kollontai (1872-1952). Alexandra Kollontai was a Marxist theoretician and figure of the October Revolution, a defender of the rights of women and sexual activist. Her insights seemed written for a future world and are more relevant today than [removed]; Buy your ticket > More info > |
CANCELLED: THE DISAPPOINTING TACOS – Due to travel restrictions and quarantine regulations, the guided tour and the performance are cancelled. The exhibition remains open. Meer info > |
PICL – Do you want to visit the exhibition but can’t make it to Netwerk Aalst before 19 December? From 6 December onwards you can watch both films Love with Obstacles and If I Could Wish For Something by García online anywhere in Belgium through [removed]! Go to Picl > |
FILM – It’s the final countdown! This month, we have some strong films to end 2021. Watch a film from Film Fest Gent on Tour. Or come and have breakfast on 19 December with the whole family ans watch Choums Odyssee by Julien Bisaro afterwords! Meer info > |
EXHIBITION – Do you agree that everyone belongs in Aalst? That everyone is unique and that this uniqueness is an added value for the city? With the Inside Out project we want to celebrate this diversity in Aalst. Discover the portraits on the outside wall of Netwerk Aalst. More info > |
FILM – Watch films in our online theatre on [removed]! Missed a film? No babysitter? Is Netwerk Aalst a bit too far away? Watch the best films anywhere in Belgium from the couch, on a train or in your bath. For every film you watch on [removed], you support us too. Enjoy TPromising Young Women, Supernova, Minari and many more! Soon the films by artist Dora García from the exhibition If I Could Wish for Something will also be available on Picl. View our programme > |
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