Ce jeudi, lancement du nouveau cycle conférences : « AM I AI? Into the deep of AI »

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Nouvelles conférences : AM I AI? Into the deep of AI 

Jeudi [removed], 19 h 00

Ghosts, Gods and Golems

Philosophical Perspectives on Europe, Asia and AI

Conference with Dr. Suzanne Livingston, strategist, writer and co-curator of AI: More than Human produced by Barbican Centre, London with Groninger Forum, Groningen

Pour sa nouvelle série de conférences, le Casino Luxembourg a invité des artistes, des philosophes, des chercheur·euse·s et des commissaires dont les travaux et les écrits traitent des divers aspects sociaux et éthiques de l’IA (intelligence artificielle) tels que le
« deepfake », les méthodes de profilage numérique et les faces cachées de nos appareils électroniques [removed];

Conférences en [removed];Entrée gratuite.

Talk followed by a discussion with Lynn Klemmer and Mathieu Buchler (Mnemozine)

AM I AI? Into the deep of AI launches with a lecture that will look at the similarities and differences in attitudes to AI which have shaped technology culture in both eastern and western societies. Using objects and stories from the Barbican exhibition AI: More than Human, it will root contemporary patterns in the history of ideas, drawing on religion, art, philosophy and mathematics. It will challenge some fundamental assumptions and ask what we can learn from cultures beyond our own.

Dr. Suzanne Livingston is a strategy consultant and curator specialising in technology, art and culture. Formerly a Principal at the London consultancy Wolff Olins, she works with global tech players, ambitious tech start-ups and has worked with museums including the V&A, Whitney Museum and Qatar Museums. She has a PhD in Philosophy from Warwick University and is a founding member of the influential Cybernetic Culture Research Unit (CCRU). She was co-curator of the Barbican Centre’s blockbuster exhibition ‘AI: More than Human’ currently on its global tour.

Click here to view an interview with her on the subject.


Mnemozine is a Luxembourgish interdisciplinary research and art collective which manifests itself as a platform for experiments in philosophy, sociology and contemporary art practice. Merging cultural mediation and critical inquiry, it interacts with its social landscape by means of written publications, online content, collaborations and public interventions. Its intent is to highlight the intimate link between theoretical reflection, creative practice and the exchange of ideas in the face of a tumultuous reality.


Registration required: Café-restaurant KAY will be open for drinks, tapas or dinner. Booking requested by phone (+352 621 35 50 16) or online.

AM I AI? Into the deep of AI is organised by Casino [removed];In collaboration with Mnemozine. With the support of SCRIPT. Media partner: Radio 100,7

Next conference: 

Thursday [removed] 19:00
Deep Shit: Paradigms and Politics of Machine Intelligence
Dr. Paul Feigelfeld, teacher, curator, researcher, Vienna

Le Casino Luxembourg
est soutenu financièrement par 

Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
41, rue Notre-Dame, L-2240 Luxembourg
T 352 22 50 45
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