call – last day! 10 October Showcase Emerging Sound 2022 STUK, Q-O2, Musica & C-TAKT launch an open call for their annual showcase of new sound art in Belgium. The call is directed at young and emerging artists, and is looking for existing work in which sound plays a central role. This can be a performance, an installation, soundwalk, radio piece, online project, workshop, intervention or anything else. Deadline for proposals: 10th october 2021. [more info]
lab session 13 November – 14h-18h Free Improv Lab with Farida Amadou Playing what you feel in the moment, feeling the energy of other players and of the space and always being aware of what is happening around and inside your own personal circle. Choose to be silent, choose to challenge others, challenge yourself. Free Improv Lab is a series of guided collective free improvisations, exploring the vocabularies that each performer brings with them. [more info]
Second Sundays #25 14 November – 17h (doors 16h30) – free Peter Fengler / De Player Second Sundays is a monthly series initiated by Q-O2. Each session a new guest is invited to share an insight into their own listening, playing and speaking about a selection of sound and music that is important to their thinking or practice. The sessions try to put value on listening to recorded music in a social setting as a space for discussion. More [info] soon.
concert 18 November – 20h Vera Cavallin + Inter_Section (Claudia Schmitz & Sabine Ercklentz) Vera Cavallin will play a solo on amplified, prepared harp: a moment to observe the instrument from a new perspective, as an independent body, as a generator of ideas and sounds transcending the instrument itself. In Borrowed Gesture, Sabine Ercklentz and Claudia Schmitz network digitally to trigger interactions between video and audio. They relinquish their authorship in favour of a « contingent third party ». A digital data pool is created that acts bidirectionally between sound and image. [more info]
Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits – releases In case you have missed parts of the festival Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits last April/May, here is your second chance:
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