Last week to visit: No Name Maya Watanabe @ tegenboschvanvreden, Amsterdam, NL Until October 9, 2021 We are looking forward to welcome you in the gallery
Maya Watanabe, No Name, installation view
In her work Maya Watanabe tries to shed light on the forces that can penetrate the lives of people: natural or social forces that overtake observation, the imagination and memory. She does this in video installations which have a distinctly immersive quality. Her most recent work, Bullet (2021), is situated within the context of the national trauma that resulted from a violent period in Peru lasting from 1980 to 2000, the effects of which remain palpable to this day. Bullet constitutes an indictment of arbitrary executions and the political and judicial vacuum in which crimes go unpunished due to a lack of transparency. Most of the murders by the military were carried out with firearms. Bodies were hidden or made to disappear so that they could not be identified. Since that time, many human remains have been found, but these cannot be identified and hover, as it were, within the status ‘NN’, which means ‘No Name’. For this project Watanabe has collaborated with the Peruvian Forensic Team. She ‘documents’ the inside of a skull of an unidentified person who was killed by a bullet from a firearm.
@ tegenboschvanvreden, Amsterdam, NL
Opening Thursday, October 21 from 5 pm – 9 pm
October 21 – November 27, 2021
Emma van der Put @ Temporary Art Center (TAC), Eindhoven, NL SOON until October 3, 2021
Finissage Sunday October 3 4PM – 9PM : Exhibition will be open 8PM – 9PM : Screening of the film Passage I (Commerce) (2021) with live music performed by Vito Willems ([removed]). Screening of the film Mall of Europe (2018) with live music performed by Maxime [removed];
Emma van der Put, SOON, installation view
@ 427 Gallery, Riga, LV El Camino 427 until October 16, 2021
Cristina Lucas, The World as we Don’t Know It, installation view
PAUL KOOIKER ([removed]) @ Voorlinden, Wassenaar, NL Listen to your Eyes curated by Joop van Caldenborgh until February 28, 2022
Paul Kooiker, Eggs and Rarities, 2018
HELEN DOWLING ([removed]) @ Galerie Stadt Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, DE RITUAL curated by Madeleine Frey October 9, 2021 – May 29, 2022
Helen Dowling, XYLOPHONE, 2021 video still
CRISTINA LUCAS, FERNANDO SÁNCHEZ CASTILLO ([removed]) @ Tretyakov Gallery Moscow, Moscow, RU Diversity United curated by Simon Baker, Faina Balakhovskaya, Kay Heimer, Pontus Kiander, Camilla Morino, Johanna Neuscheffer and Anna Schwantz, Hilke Wagner, Peter Weibel November 20, 2021 – January 8, 2022
Fernando Sánchez Castillo, Landmesser, installation view
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