Within the framework of our current exhibition A rural death, fluent is pleased to present Ideologies of Nature: Notes for a Sonic Anthropology of the Rural Decline.
Making tangible INLAND’s collective research developed over the past five years, Ideologies of Nature: Notes for a Sonic Anthropology of the Rural Decline, brings together different approaches and subjectivities of dying in the rural –with special attention to the Picos de Europa region– as well as the confrontation of ideologies and notions of nature and silence, slow processes of annihilation, (in)visibility, hauntologies and disappearance of the commons. For the exhibition at fluent, INLAND presents an informative pamphlet which serves as the prologue for the broadcast program –transmitted through their radio station and fluent’s IG live– for the conversation to take place on October 1st between members of the collective Fernando García Dory and David Prieto and collaborators Blanca Pujals and Luigi Coppola, who will speculate about how theseideas resonate through their different contexts and bodies of research.
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_Blanca Pujals is an architect, spatial researcher and critical writer. Her cross-disciplinary practice uses spatial research and critical analysis to engage with questions around the geographies of power on bodies and territories, policies of scientific and technological knowledge production, as well as transnational politics, developing tools for undertaking analysis through different visual and sonic [removed];
_Luigi Coppola is an artist who works in public art, performance, video and installation. He researches participatory practices and politically-motivated actions, beginning with an analysis of specific social, political, and cultural contexts. Scuola di Agriculture (2017 – ongoing), a pedagogical platform led by Coppola in Castiglione d’Otranto (Puglia, Italy) combines agro-ecological learning with artistic strategies and builds upon the participatory and commoning dynamics of the community of migrants, farmers and activists who formed the cooperative Casa delle Agriculture (House of Agricultures).
_INLAND Campo Adentro is an arts collective, dedicated to agricultural, social and cultural production, and a collaborative [removed];It confronts various problems of a system that is collapsing at its environmental, cultural and financial levels –affecting both the planet and the individual– by formulating critical tools and applying them through experimental [removed];It builds on the premise that the rural offers a physical and cultural space for the generation of diverse ways of life that differ from the hegemonic model. These other livelihoods are aware of their partial insertion in all established networks of exchange and aim to generate enough creative mass to question those power dynamics, aas well as the current relationship between centre and peripheries.
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