Q-O2 News :: August/September 2021

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

in situ performances
15 – 27 August
Saab Sculptures/Paesaggimaginati – Amber Meulenijzer
Amber Meulenijzer will show her mobile and site-specific sound installation Saab Sculptures in three different places in public space in and around Brussels. Here she can be found:
15/8 18h > Parc des Etangs / Vijverpark – pond next to Maurice Caremelaan /
50°49’[removed]″N 4°17’[removed]″E
22/8 18h > Hangar Parmentier / Houtkaai Vilvoorde /
50°55’[removed]″N 4°24’[removed]″E
27/8 18h > Parking Panorama / Bogaardenstraat 15, 1000 Brussel
[more info]

2 September 20h
Angélica Castello + Lukas De Clerck
Two solo sets in the framework of La Semaine du Son.
[more info]

5 September 11h-18h
Free Improvisation with Angélica Castello
Workshop free improvisation, creative reflecting and sound making.
Creating new soundscapes produced by objects, machines or musical instruments.
The participants need no prior knowledge in music, more important is the curiosity on sound organization.
[more info]

4 + 11 September
Het Blokfluitasiel – Lukas De Clerck, Angélica Castello, Katelijne Lanneau, Matthias Verniers & students
Public performances:
4/9 16h Friedenskirche Eupen,
11/9 15h Sint-Agatha kerk, Kerkstraat, 1082 Sint-Agatha-Berchem.
  Het Blokfluitasiel is a collaboration between instrument builder Lukas De Clerck, composer Angélica Castello, and music teachers Katelijne Lanneau and Matthias Verniers with their pupils from Music Academies Jette/Brussels (recorder class) and [removed] (organ class). The project builds on Lukas De Clerck’s instrument “AirBag/14Holes”.
This project is a cooperation with Meakusma.
[more info]

Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits – releases
In case you have missed parts of the festival Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits last April/May, here is your second chance:

4 split-albums, with a selection of pieces recorded at the festival, are now available as digital releases on Bandcamp: 
Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits 1 > Jonáš Gruska / Farida Amadou
Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits 2 > Billy Roisz / Jeroen Uyttendaele
Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits 3 > Stellan Veloce / Yannick Guédon with Rebecca Lane & Catherine Lamb
Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits 4 > Catherine Lamb with Bryan Eubanks & Rebecca Lane / Lukas De Clerck

Furthermore, most of the talks and some radio works created for the festival, are available now on our Podcast Channel:
You can listen to Lendl Barcelos, Jonas Gruska, Edyta Jarzab, Goodiepal, Anna Steiden, Pierre Deruisseau, Sarah van Lamsweerde & Esther Mugambi & Raoul Carrer.

still available
podcasts, books, cassette releases, videos.

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