platform for arts & culture
opening soon: NIGHT SHIFT

During theatre festival Cultura Nova, fourteen empty storefronts in the centre of Heerlen will be the setting for Night Shift, a project by artist collective Ratsmodee.
Night Shift is a project with a day-and-night rhythm, creating different perspectives on the works: The use of light and darkness is a connecting factor between the fourteen presentations.
Night Shift is on the cutting edge of theatre and visual art. Every location is different; sometimes there are remains of an interior, sometimes of a discontinued renovation and sometimes it is a bare white space. All these factors influence the work that is created and the experience of it.
Theatre does not show real facts but fictional ones. The aim of such a (re-)construction is, often, to show different shades of reality. In a similar and poetic way Ratsmodee works, Night Shift can be read as a counterpart of the everyday reality in the city centre of Heerlen.
For further background information on the works, you can listen to an audio tour via Greylight Project´s RADIO LIMA.
Participating artists: Rune Peitersen & Mikica Andrejic, Peter Bouwmans, Wouter Huis, Gerard Koek, Gert-Jan Prins, Iris Bouwmeester & Dyane Donk, Josephine Kaepellin, Griet Menschaert, Laurent Malherbe, Sabine de Graaf, Karin Arink & Renée Kool, Priscila Fernandes and the Tekenkingz
curated by: collectief Ratsmodee, Laurent Malherbe date: [removed] – [removed] opening: Friday [removed] , 17:00-24:00 opening hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun , 12:00-24:00
more information: [removed]
IKOB – Museum of Contemporary Art in Eupen, Belgium, and Greylight Projects – platform for art and culture in Heerlen, The Netherlands, launch an Open Call for a three-month residency of (September-November 2021). The residency takes place in the framework of the 2021 Artist Project of Very Contemporary, a network between different art spaces and museums in the Euregio-Meuse-Rhine region. We invite artists who are based in the Netherlands, Belgium or Germany to apply.
Guided by the question “Where are we now?,” the residency invites an artist to reflect on the particularities of the Euregio-Meuse-Rhine region. In 2019, Very Contemporary launched WONDERTOURS, a project aimed to bridge the distance between the different institutions by offering cycle routes in this border region.
The artist is invited to offer new perspective on these routes, responding to distance and proximity, landscapes and/or borders between the institutions. The project may address or reflect on themes such as sustainability, trans-cultural dialogue, cultural heritage or geopolitics specific to the region. The focus of the residency is to develop a work or project within the context of “Where are we now?”
>>> More information about the residency and how to apply: open call residency Where are we [removed]
If you have any questions about this Open Call, please contact us by email:
Hier is niks moois te zien – #mappingheerlen
9 thoughts on “opening soon: NIGHT SHIFT (and last week of open call ‘Where are we now?’”