The Future of Art Fairs, Online talk – July 6, 2021 – 6.30 pm

THE HISK AFFAIR: Online talk – The Future of Art Fairs, July 6 2021
U bent van harte welkom / we would be happy with your presence.

Photo: Dani Ghercă

Within the context of the exhibition The HISK Affairuniting work of 23 HISK candidate laureates, we would like to invite you on Tuesday July 6, 2021 at [removed] pm to the online talk:  
The Future of Art Fairs – Art in the (Post)Pandemic
Nele Verhaeren (Art Brussels)
Fons Hof (Art Rotterdam)
Ida Wollens (Ballroom Project/ DMW Gallery, Antwerp)
Damien-Bertelle Rogier (Super Dakota Gallery, Brussels)
Moderator: Sam Steverlynck, together with Pieter Vermeulen co-curator of the exhibition The HISK Affair 

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