intermission museum of art newsletter | summer 2021

volume i archive exhibition
@ stand4 gallery

intermission museum of art + stand4 gallery

archive: volume i
10 september — 23 october 2021
opening reception | 10 september, 7-9p (eastern, us)

Stand4 Gallery and Community Art Center
414 78th Street
Brooklyn, New York 11209 US

hours | saturday, 12-3p and by appointment

intermission museum of art volume i archive
stand4 gallery website

volume ii


volume ii  | 2022

10 january – 27 february 2022
ghostly matters |

alice wilson | neja tomsic
curator | rosanna van mierlo

07 march – 24 april 2022
matter-of-fact |

gregory gray | kirsten nash
curator | john ros

02 may – 19 june 2022
i am the river, the river is me |

christina battle | samanta batra mehtra
curator | rosanna van mierlo

27 june – 14 august 2022
specious reasoning |

jeffrey martin | david mccormick
curator | john ros

in case you missed it…

june 2021
t/here or t/here |
jodi hays | ayanah moor

about ima

intermission museum of art (ima) was founded in 2020 by rose van mierlo and john ros, in response to the cultural, social, environmental, economic and political fissures that make themselves evermore present during times of crisis and put stress on accepted systems of operation. ima provides a space for critical thinkers to respond to these moments of friction by investigating them as meaningful sites of production, instigating dialogues which will culminate in a public archive.

ima’s name references the question of open space: the flipping movement of a hand searching through archives, gaps in the pavement, performance interludes, tv-commercials, coffee breaks and silent pauses; all moments of unpoliced disruption that are typically un-institutional. at its core, ima therefore proposes the museum as a site of uncertainty; a building without walls; a non-hierarchical collection of interdisciplinary narratives and voices; both a guest and a host; and an exercise in cross-pollination. it resists the architectural premise of power that underwrites the white cube, democratizing the exhibition in terms of access. instead, its architectural premise is that of lateral networks; its vision decentralized and participatory.

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intermission museum of art

274 morgan ave

brooklyn, ny 11211-2753

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