INC Newsletter May 2021 – hybrid events, new information cultures and of course


INC Newsletter May 2021

Hybrid events, new information cultures and of course a new MoneyLab.


MONEYLAB #12 WELLINGTON – Viral Tokenization

MoneyLab #12
How do you see NFTs play a role in the future of buying art? On 4 and 5 June, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington will host the 12th edition of the international MoneyLab conference series. She provides a Māori/Indigenous lens on various socio-technical constructs such as post-pandemic issues. MoneyLab considers itself a critical platform for imaginative projects that build a more democratic economy, especially within the creative industry. The kick-off opens with presentations, performances and interventions by local and international artists and [removed];Today we are seeing increasing momentum behind Web3 (or decentralised web), bringing grassroots community organising into direct contact with blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and digital tokens.

Visit the event page here:


VideoVortex #13: Play, Pause and Reset

Video Vortex
A hybrid event that happened both online and in the courtyard of the John Cabot University in Rome. Zoom Boomers took over the channel. Which was funny, because the first speech precisely dealt with this topic. We switched between a conversation robot, Zoom, a drone and the obligatory online video screening in an experimental setup that tried to beat the overall online fatigue. What is the future of video? What does it look like? And where can you watch it?

Watch the video here:

Read ‘Impressions from the VideoVortex Rome/Zoom Event’ here:


Cyberia: Exploring Infrastructures of Bangalore’s Cybercafé’s

Cyberia: a poetic provocation in the form of a series of photographs. It explores the communication networks of cybercafés in Bangalore. Shruti Chamaria looks at the ramification of these cafés in a localized perspective. How are these spaces a reflection of the social urban fabric?

Take a look at the photographic series here:

A Conversation between Anab Jain and Marta Peirano

As recorded and retold in a small colony of ants. What would be the scientific tools of the future? How can you make the future so relatable in a world that’s changing constantly? Anab Jain (designer, futurist, filmmaker and educator) and Marta Peirano (writer) speculate about (re)programming: Interdependence.

Read about the conversation as recorded and retold in a small colony of ants:

Watch the real conversation here:

Will Gaming Become Tomorrow’s Music Stage?

Will Gaming Become Tomorrow's Music Stage?
Will digital concerts coexist next to live concerts? Or will they be fused in some kind of way? A few famous artists experimented with new ways to perform by using online games as a platform. Which affordances do virtual performances provide music fans, artists and gamers?

Read about it here:


You can order a free paper copy of our latest three printed publications: 

  • VideoVortex Reader III 
  • Let’s Get Physical. A Sample of INC Longforms.
  • Here and Now? Exploration in Urgent Publishing

Order here:  

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