On & For signing ‘off’ again

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A Farewell from

On & For
Production and Distribution


Hello there,

As many of you may know, On & For Production and Distribution has now come to the end of its second [removed];Over the past three years we’ve been busy with five talks and screenings, three Case Study public seminars, two symposia, five Work Sessions in support of sixteen AMI projects, three exhibitions, three roundtables, and five workshops in six countries and, of course, increasingly in a digital [removed];

 In the process, we’ve travelled, adapted, talked ideas and issues in person and online, and are proud to have connected hundreds of professionals and students, to share and develop knowledge in the [removed];

As a parting gift, we’ve been working on a few things to leave you with.


???? On & For Production and Distribution ????

To record and celebrate On & For’s activity, and to send it safely into the future, we’re massively excited to announce a new book of essays, drawings, photographs, interviews and hard matter (facts and figures). Reflecting on artists’ moving image practices and industries past and present, the book can be used for both study and [removed];

The publication is downloadable for free as a pdf from the documentation page of our website, here. So do please feel free to spread far and wide amongst your friends. Printed copies will also be available while numbers last. They are free of charge and may be ordered by mail, for which we ask a small donation to cover the cost of postage. More information regarding shipping can be found on the website. Please email 

The book is edited with great creativity and care by Brussels-based visual artist and On & For Project Coordinator, Rebecca Jane Arthur, assisted by Elizabeth Dexter, with written and visual contributions from Jenny Brady, Jamie Crewe, Shama Khanna, Nina de Vroome, Natalie Gielen, Maxime Gourdon, Ilona Jurkonytė, Juliette Le Monnyer, Anna Manubens, Rachel Somers Miles, María Palacios Cruz, Niels Van Tomme and Jue Yang.

It was beautifully designed by Caroline Wolewinski of Bureau Wolewinski, with the assistance of Louise Serlet, and printed by Graphius.


In anticipation of the book’s release we have been publishing essays to our website, including…

From What to How by Ilona Jurkonytė, a proposal for AMI to remain elusively defined, for therein maybe lies its strength.

The Importance of Digital Art Distribution by Rachel Somers Miles, a report on the preliminaries of a large-scale research project our colleagues at LIMA (NL) have been conducting in the distribution of AMI, artists’ film and media art.

Building Blocks: A Conversation Between Auguste Orts and Helena Kritis by Rebecca Jane Arthur, a fascinating long-read into the histories and politics of the ‘artist-led’ and of moving image production in the audiovisual landscape of Belgium and further afield with the initiators of On & [removed];

And, Look at and Look After Infrastructures by Anna Manubens, a look back at the place of support structures in (and in the place of) arts institutions from a vantage point at the aftermath of the upheavals of the past year.

Do take a look for certain inspiration in an idle moment.


Mapping Distribution: New Norwegian Initiatives

We would take a moment also to remind anyone who missed our collaboration with Kunstnernes Hus Kino, Mapping Distribution: New Norwegian Initiatives, that all five of the case studies are available to revisit as videos on our website.

Across five weeks, a series of invited Norwegian organisations and networks involved in creative audiovisual distribution shared knowledge to illuminate the variety, particularities, audiences, contexts and needs they were immersed in and responded to. This series culminated in an online roundtable, Distributed Futures: Alternative Circuits for alternative films? moderated by Mike Sperlinger.

You can find them–here.

 Finally, we would like to thank you for taking part or taking interest. To Kitty Anderson, Knut Åsdam, Herman Asselberghs, Sven Augustijnen, Boris Belay, Lene Berg, Kristina Bliznec, Ben Cook, Maria Bratt, Jan Bull, Jan Costers, Jordi De Beule, Manon de Boer, Anouk De Clercq, Pepa de Maesschalck, Milena Desse, Elizabeth Dexter, Dave Driesmans, Lieselot Everaert, Katja Eyde Jacobsen, Edvart Falch-Alsos, Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) (An Feyfer), Ann Goossens, Kenneth Göran Sävenstad, Louisa Grane Larsen, Marin Håskjold, Gudrun Heymans, Victoria Holdt, Jurga Igarytė Liutvinskienė, Anongnat Jindana, [removed];Lolita Jablonskienė, Ilona Jurkonytė, Giedrė Kavaliūnaitė, Helena Kritis, Kunstnernes Hus Kino (Silja Espolin Johnson, Maria Fosheim Lund, Leonie Merkl), Marie Logie, Marianne Løvdal, Enrique Mañas de la Mota, Anna Manubens, Eglė Nevedomskė, María Palacios Cruz, Adam Pugh, Rémi Rupprecht, Lou Schaub, Olga Sismanidi, Eve Smith, Mike Sperlinger, Asta Vaičiulytė, Agnė Valatkaitė, Visions du Réel (Émilie Bujès, Gudula Meinzolt, Teresa Mignolli, Madeline Robert), Nicole Yip, Ellinor Aurora Aasgaard, Babak Afrassiabi, Ane Aguirre, ARGOS (Laurence Alary, Andrea Cinel, Stijn Schiffeleers, Niels Van Tomme), Zayne Armstrong, the Arctic Moving Image & Film Festival (Nicolas Siepen), Art Fund, Arts Council England (Fabio Altamura), Atelier Graphoui (Pierre de Bellefroid, Ellen Meiresonne, Caroline Nugues-Bourchat, Kim Vanvolsom), Beursschouwburg (Ava Hermans, Dimitri Geussens, Constance Neuenschwander, Laura Smolders, Gaëlle Zgumi), Leonardo Bigazzi, Rossella Biscotti, Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Bryony Bond, Jenny Brady, Mindaugas Bundza, Manuela Buono, John Canciani, Anja Casser, Corinne Castel, Antonio Cataldo, Wim Catrysse, CINEMATEK Brussels (Céline Brouwez, Mikke Somers), Olivia Cooper-Hadjian, Creative Europe culture desk Norway, Creative Scotland (Mark Thomas), Jamie Crewe, Cultural Council Norway, Ben De Raes, Federico Delpero Bejar, Sara Eliassen, Maggie Ellis, Mohamed El Mongy, Escautville (Ulrike Lindmayr, Vincent Stroep), Oier Etxeberria, Ruth Estevez, Rita Fabiana, Shannon Finnegan, Pierre-Emmanuel Finzi, Flanders Arts Institute (Dirk De Wit, Lissa Kinnaer, Michael Lombarts), Department of Culture, Youth and Media of Flanders (Lyne Viskens), Sirah Foighel Brutmann, Cato Fossum, Dora García, Beatrice Gibson, Natalie Gielen, Eva González-Sancho, Paz Guevara, Mariken Halle, Stella Händler, Fatima Helberg, Louis Henderson, Louise Hickman, Ane Hjort Guttu, Helena Holmberg, Wouter Jansen, Kaunas Artists’ House, Kaunas Culture Centre, Shama Khanna, Zsuzsanna Kiraly, Carolin Kirberg, Vsevolod Kovalevskij, Lisa Marie Kristensen, Audrius Kuprevičius, Latifa Laâbissi, Mason Leaver-Yap, Robert Leckie, Myriam Lefkowitz, Alice Lemaire, Annik Leroy, LIMA (Rachel Somers Miles, Gaby Wijers, Theus Zwakhals), Maria Lind, Nuno Lisboa, Matteo Lucchetti, Martí Manen, Leif Magne Tangen, Olivier Marboeuf, Diana Marincu, Duncan Marquiss, Sophio Medoidze, Anna Meiners, Piet Mertens, Daria Mille, Myriam Mouflih, Fleur van Muiswinkel, Len Murusalu, Helen Nisbet, Carolina Nöbauer, Christina Nord, Dominic Paterson, Anže Peršin, Pedro Pina, Fabrizio Popettini, Oksana Polyakova, Céline Poulin, Morgan Quaintance, Filipa Ramos, Jean-Pierre Rehm, Katrien Reist, Ann Carolin Renninger, Santiago Reyes Villaveces, Alex Reynolds, Simon Ripoll-Hurier, Ali Roche, Margaret Salmon, Rasha Salti, The Sami Film Institute (Anne Lajla Utsi), Eva Sangiorgi, Robert Schlicht, Romana Schmalisch, Florian Schneider, Nicole Schweizer, Reem Shilleh, Adam Smythe, Dirk Snauwaert, Rhea Storr, Deborah Stratman, Alia Syed, Diana Tabakov, Nasrin Tabatabai, Peter Taylor, Nina Thomas, Theresa Traorer Dahlberg, Achilles Van den Abeele, Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė, Pascale Viscardy, Bo Vloors, Simon Vrebos, Dan Ward, Gerald Weber, Axel Wieder, Michelle Williams Gamaker, and Mohanad Yaqubi.

Auguste Orts also would very much like to thank Rebecca Jane Arthur for her inspired and inspiring work—above and beyond the call—on the 2018–2021 edition of On & For Production and Distribution.

A very special thank you also to Creative Europe.

From all of us at On & For, until we meet again!

On & For Production and Distribution is initiated by Auguste Orts (BE) in collaboration with Kaunas International Film Festival (LT), LUX/LUX Scotland (UK), and Nordland Kunst -og Filmfagskole (NO). With the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

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