Q-O2 News ::: Oscillation 2021 Bulletin ::: Last Episode

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Dear Readers,

In about 45 minutes the last day of The Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits Festival starts. Today is all about the last cycle of tuning: the beautiful practice of detuning

On the menu: live performances by Lukas De Clerk, Yann Leguay, Karen Willems. There will be exclusively for this festival made pieces by Stellan Veloce, Jonáš Gruska, Áine O’Dwyer, Olli Aarni, and many more.

So we kindly invite you to tune in at [removed] and detune together with us, and the online oscillation community who has been very warm and active in our chatroom.

We would like to thank all the partners who helped to make this possible, all the artists who in one way or another provided works and performances, and as last, but not least, all of you who joined in this communal detuned experience. Hope to see you next year in real life.

We’d like to remind that there’s some extra’s available at the specials section of the website: videos that are available exclusively during the festival. Have a look, because at the end of today they will be gone.

The Oscillation Büro

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With the kind support of Needcompany, [removed], Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, among others.

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