Q-O2 News ::: Oscillation 2021 Bulletin ::: episode 6

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Dear Readers,

Today, at 15:00, the 3nd day of the Oscillation Festival will unfold in the aether. We’ll delve deep into the wonderful world of feedback, a technique that can be applied both literally and metaphorically. It’s an apt theme, because it explores questions about communities, and about how they communicate and feedback into each other when actual gathering is impossible? And what about the feedback loops in the echo chambers of virtual realms.

We start at 15:00 sharp with talk by Pierre Deruisseaux, in which he explores in his own unique way the interconnections between jazz music and spirits. From there we follow a path over live concerts by Jeroen Uyttendaele, Sarah van Lamsweerde, Esther Mugambi & Raoul Carrer, Cathy van Eyck, Catherine Lamb & co., Lucrecia Dalt and Billy Roisz. Lendl Barcelos and Goodiepal will guide through talks over the topics in their work and we conclude the evening with a special live coding sound & visuals event by Olivia Jack, Celeste Betancur & Guests that can be followed both via the radio stream as a (web)site specific visual experience at [removed]

Screenshots from Olivia Jack & Celeste Betancur

We’d like to remind that there’s some extra’s available at the Specials section of the website: videos that are available exclusively during the festival. Have a look, because at the end of the festival they will be gone.


The Oscillation Büro

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With the kind support of Needcompany, [removed], Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, among others.

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