In just a couple of hours the 2nd day – Attuning – of the Oscillation Festival will unfold in the aether.
Last night we opened the broadcast for all you out of there, joining together in een virtual embrace via the radio. Apparently there is some confusion about the festival: this is a radio festival, there is no video streams available – it’s an old school experience that at the same time redefines the idea of what a festival can be.
There are some exclusive visualgoodies available though, and you can see them solely during the festival: there is Oramics: Atlantis Anew, the beautiful documentary essay on the work of Daphe Oram; and there’s The Mirrora wonderful collage a/v piece by People Like Us. There’s also some extras you can find on the website.
Today we start at 15:00 sharp with – among others -live concerts by Farida Amadou, Charlie Usher and Aela Royer! See you online – there is a chatbox where you can join the Oscillation community.
The Oscillation Büro
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With the kind support of Needcompany, [removed], Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, among others.
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