INC Newsletter April 2021
We hope you’re doing well these times. The previous newsletter has been a [removed];But we are back with new publications, videos of the 11th edition of the Moneylab event and new research projects.
Firstly, we would like to congratulate our former colleague Miriam Rasch with her accomplishment by winning the Dutch Socrates Cup 2021 with her book Frictie: Ethiek in tijden van dataïsme.
More about her book: [removed]
The events consider interventions in and experiments with digital economy. MoneyLab is a network of artists, activists and geeks experimenting with forms of financial democratization.
MoneyLab #11 took place from March 26, 2021 – March 28, 2021 in Berlin. The program included talks about the blockchain sphere in favor of artists; new automated tools we can use in decentralized organizations; speculative opportunities and community currencies. How do these currencies exist within bigger economic systems? What are the ingredients for fair post-capitalist economic organizations? And how can game design be utilized as a tool in these emerging cases?
Watch the videos here: [removed]
THE DIGITAL GUTMENSCH – The ethics of challenging oppressive discourse in online debate
By sharing a documenting logbook containing personal experiences on and with morality in online debate, researcher in residence Chloe Arkenbout unravels what digital citizenship means in her ongoing research The Digital Gutmensch Manifesto.
SPECTERS OF CONTROL – Nice new wearables. Or: ‘There is no place that does not see [removed]#8217;
A new INC blog by Anna-Verena Nosthoff and Felix Maschewski. The habituation of technological artifacts in our lives creates a different perspective on for how we look at ourselves. The constant need of presenting a changed version of yourself based on personal data. What are the risks of sharing?
Are we too connected to the digital to realise that the zombie apocalypse is already upon us? Donatella Della Ratta investigates how features of technology can turn us into zombies. In her blog, she combines different perspectives on the subject and writes about the embeddedness of tech in our everyday life and what it’s doing to us.
The Cloud-Based Designer is a blog hosted by the Institute of Network Cultures and an attempt to understand a graphic design practice from inside and outside of the cloud. Graphic designer Paul Billie is the designated researcher for this topic, as he’s based both in and outside of the [removed];Paul uses his critical lens to reflect on the choices he makes as a graphic designer. Which choices are being made through you and which are a product of the tool you’re using?
In this research blog, Marijn Bril maps out various metaphors, strategies and experiences of translating cultural events to the internet. Events such as the IMPAKT Festival 2020: Zero [removed];Where he talks with designers, curators and program makers about online events.
Due to the coronavirus, the Institute of Network Cultures wasn’t able to send any physical publications. But like you (we hope), we haven’t sat still either and made improvements! We were able to send out all 400 orders. The Last Theory On Demand Reader, ‘Covid-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Digital Society’ were shipped internationally to Greece, Austria, Cyprus, Italy, Brasil, Germany, India, Australia, Serbia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Uruguay, Nigeria, South-Africa, America, Canada, Argentina, Poland, Spain, Portugal, Israël, Croatia, Mexico, Zambia, Finland, New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland and Hong Kong. We’re very happy to see the continuing interest in the researches and hope the publications inspire you to advance forward during these times.
Cats, Frogs and Cryptoartists: What if Auteur .jpgs Become a Luxury Good?
By Silvia Dal Sollo
When in July 2013 I met Andreas Schildbach, the first developer to write the Bitcoin Wallet for mobile, one Bitcoin was worth around 80 euros. We were sitting at a table in a bar, the Room 77, which had recently hit the headlines because the owner, Joerg Platzer, had been interviewed by the BBC for… continue reading
I Read Where I Am: Exploring New Information Cultures
Edited by Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink, Minke Kampman
I Read Where I Am contains visionary texts about the future of reading and the status of the word. We read anytime and anywhere. We read of screens, we read out on the streets, we read in the office but less and less we read a book at home on the couch. We are, or are becoming, a different type of reader. How will we grapple with compressed narratives and the fluid bombardment of text? What are the dialectics between image and word? How will our information machines generate new reading cultures? Can reading become a live, mobile social experience? To answer all these (and other) questions, I Read Where I Am displays 82 diverse observations, inspirations and critical notes by journalists, designers, researchers, politicians, philosophers and many others.
You can order a free paper copy of our latest three printed publications:
- VideoVortex Reader III
- Let’s Get Physical. A Sample of INC Longforms.
- Here and Now? Exploration in Urgent Publishing
Order here: [removed];
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