Q-O2 News ::: Oscillation 2021 Bulletin ::: episode 1

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

Oscillation Bulletin ::: episode 1
19 April

Dear all, 

If you are reading this, it means that you are part of the Q-O2 circle. The next 10 days we will keep you regularly updated about a very special event happing right now: Oscillation Tuned Circuits festival.

Unlike what we had hoped, this festival is a distanced version. By this writing, we’d like to engage you into an old school experience that recalls the early fifties, when people tuned in collectively to their favorite radio program.

It’s fairly simple to engage: on the 28th of April, at 20:00 you head over to [removed], sit comfortably in your couch, press the play button and imagine there are thousands of people doing the same. You will tune in to a collective/individual experience of music, talks, performances that all address one of the pillars of music making: tuning. It’s a now or never experience, none of the broadcasts will be available once the festival has ended. One advice: tune in, or stay detuned!

For now, to start the excitement, we have some goodies for you: there’s some features by The Wire Magazine on two of the artists performing at the festival: Jonáš Gruska and People Like Us. Yann Leguay is featured on the It’s Psychedelic Baby Magazine, with an indepth interview on his recent works. And next Wednesday Lyl radio will host a special on the festival. Upcoming Friday, at 15:30, De Neus van God, at the infamous Radio Panik, will host Henry Andersen, who will give a deep insight in the what, who, and why of the festival.

Last, but not least: from upcoming Friday, the 23rd until the 28th of April, there’s an extensive program of workshops — both off- and online — addressing topics like [removed] synth-like vocal explorations, live coding expertise, collective improvising and even spring rolls sound meditation. You can find all info at the siteplaces are limited, so be quick to subscribe!

On a  practical note: Stellan Veloce, who facilitates a workshop and who performs on the festival, is looking for “spare” harmonicas, lying somewhere in the basement or attic, to donate or sell! Please contact us!

In Residence: Stellan Veloce, preparing her set for Oscillation Tuned Circuits, on May 2nd, live from the Mill.

Kind regards,

The Oscillation Crew

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With the kind support of Needcompany, [removed], Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, among others.

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