Q-O2 News :: Oscillation 2021 ::: Tuned Circuits

 workspace for experimental music and sound art

23 April – 2 May
Oscillation 2021 ::: Tuned Circuits

Now online ==> The website and full festival program for Oscillation: Tuned Circuits taking place from April 23 until May 2nd.
Visit the site in => English / => Nederlands / => Français

This year’s festival takes place as a four day live radio broadcast from MILL Brussels, mixing concerts, talks and radio creations from local and international artists. Proceeding the broadcast, 6 days of online and in-person workshop will offer practical skill sharing from artists participating in the festival.

Watch this space for more information about the program, featured artists and upcoming news.

The third edition of the festival borrows its title from Daphne Oram, the early electronic composer and instrument inventor. In Oram’s work and writing we find parallels between electronic circuits and biological ones and a desire to per­ceive phe­nom­e­na simul­ta­ne­ous­ly from var­i­ous sides. More broadly; the festival looks at the practice and phenomena of tuning, and dedicates three consecutive days to: attuning, as a movement of convergence; feedback, as a circular movement which amplifies itself; detuning, as a movement of unlearning and a condition for regeneration.

With the kind support of Needcompany, [removed], Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, among others.

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7 thoughts on “Q-O2 News :: Oscillation 2021 ::: Tuned Circuits

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  2. Pingback: altogel

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