Newsletter March

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The exhibition No one would have believed is nearing its end in Netwerk Aalst. Get carried away one last time in a story about Martians invading the Earth. Artists Wendy Morris and Runo Lagomarsino encourage reflection on the relationship between exploration and invasion, science and [removed];

Visit the exhibition that brings together art, popular culture and politics until March 14.
More information about No one would have believed >
Buy your tickets >


Have you also been enjoying the sun in your garden recently? And did you happen take out your camera? Netwerk Aalst collects photos of gardens. That could be a lawn behind your house, but also a chair in your street or a picnic blanket in the park around the corner.

Send your photo to #gardensofnetwerk.
We look forward to your garden experience!

Curious why we are looking for these photos? Netwerk Aalst is committed to coprogramming. With a garden we respond to the lack of public space in our environment. Let’s realize your imagination together!
Follow the blog about the process towards coprogramming (NL) >


TRANSMISSIONS is back for Season 3! In the past year, we have learned that all forms of community are vital in providing mechanisms to support each other through this precarious time. In the continued pandemic landscape that we occupy many artists, writers and thinkers have had and continue to have exhibitions, opportunities and subsequent fees postponed or cancelled. In response to this, TRANSMISSIONS established itself in 2020 as an online platform that commissions artists to share their work within a classic DIY TV show format. Their new season for 2021 comprising six episodes will stream every month via their website from March to October 2021.

Watch the first episode of season 3 on March 17 at 10 pm or on March 19 at 11 am.
More information about TRANSMISSIONS >
Watch them on the website of TRANSMISSIONS >


Curator Attilia Fattori Franchini had a conversation with curator Nick Aikens and our own Pieternel Vermoortel about The Bodies. The Bodies is The Astronaut Metaphor‘s research group consisting of artists, a curator, an art historian, a writer…
questioning and defining itself whilst at the same time infiltrating Netwerk Aalst’s programme. With the programme The Astronaut Metaphor, Netwerk Aalst wants to understand what an integral support of artists can entail.

Agnieszka Gratza and Vanessa Joan Müller are part of The Bodies. In a series of articles in Hart, Gratza will follow the progress of the project from the point of view of a participating observer. Müller writes texts for our website that accompany the actions in Netwerk Aalst like a kind of background noise.
Read the introductory interview in Hart >
Discover the voice in the background of Müller >

Children between 8 and 12 years old can fully enjoy themselves in our REKKER studio during the Easter holidays. During this film camp, they get the chance to make their own animation film
Read more (NL) >

In March, a workshop by Francesca Grilli with students from the Academy of Visual Arts Aalst will take place in Netwerk Aalst. A performance will follow in September.
Read more >

Discover the work of Renée Lorie along the art route of De Connectie.
Maps are available at Netwerk Aalst and the other participating partners.

Read more (NL) >

No films in our cinema? Films on the smaller screen at home it is.
Every Wednesday we share some tips for the week on our Facebookpage.  

In the context of Belle Epoque, we invite Laila Melchior and the students of Curatorial Studies for their project week. It concerns a week of visits and meetings in Aalst and Brussels with the aim of developing ideas around the notion of the garden. This week will run from March 15-21.

Wals08 features work by Marc De Blieck, Serge Haelterman and Philip Van Isacker.
Open until March 28 in the Oude Pastorie Ressegem.

Read more (NL) >

An exhibition with new works by Joëlle Dubois, Alice Vanderschoot and Nathalie Vanheule.
Open from March 13 to April 25 in DISKUS, Diepestraat 46 Aalst.
In collaboration with Bruthaus Gallery.

The exhibitions are open from Thursday to Sunday, from 1 pm to 6 pm, or by [removed];To guarantee a safe visit, the number of visitors is limited by time slots.
Buy your tickets in advance.

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Aalst 9300


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