At our bookshop, you can find a selection of P/////AKT publications, artists’ books and editions by our alumni artists (and more). Here below is a selection of new arrivals: ➤ Anu Vahtra & Gordon Matta-Clark, ‘Short Term Eternity’, Lugemik, 2019, € 15,00 ➤ Claudia Pagès, ‘Rats and Roaches’, Yaby, Jupiter Woods, Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), 2020, € 12,00 ➤ Erik Odijk, ‘The Academy of the Sublime’, Jap Sam Books, 2020, € 35,00 ➤ Lisa Sudhibhasilp, ‘No thanks, I’m just looking’, Building Fictions, 2020, € 32,00 ➤ Katja Mater, ‘Time is an Arrow, Error’, € 26,00
☞ You can order the books online or schedule an appointment here.
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