Reminder! Saturday, 27. Feb. 3 p.m, Salon # 77 by Rhona Mühlebach!



AIR Berlin Alexanderplatz

Salon #77



     Credits picture: Rhona Mühlebach, 2020


Rhona Mühlebach


“Excitement is not part of my feeling repertoire”

Saturday, 27th February 2021, 3 [removed]. (CET)

 Join us via Telegram-Chat-Group


In “Excitement is not part of my feeling repertoire” Rhona Mühlebach invites you to a walk through a forest or park close to your current location. You will be taken on a journey through the past, present and future, following the artist’s stream of consciousness and different protagonists throughout the audio piece.
The audio work is set in the woods and a cave within the woods, ideal stages for this speculative fiction.
»Ich bleibe auf meinem Hochsitz.
    Wir sind am Aussterben. Wir sollten uns mit dem Wildschwein zusammentun, um zu überleben. Das meine ich wortwörtlich: halb Mensch, halb Wildschwein. Oder drei Viertel Wildschwein und ein Viertel Mensch. Oder auch 98% Prozent Wildschwein und 2% Mensch. […]
    Ratten, Bakterien oder Pilze sind ja momentan auch sehr gut mit dem Überleben aber um uns mit diesen Spezies zu vereinen, sind wir nicht genug fortgeschritten, technisch meine ich.
    But it’s possible with the boar?
    Ja, kein Problem. Ich denke, wir müssen uns wie die Neandertaler damals verhalten. Die haben sich ja auch mit uns zusammengetan, damit sie überleben konnten. Wir haben sie vor dem Aussterben gerettet. Zumindest ihre Essenz konnte überleben.
    Do you think 2% of a being contains its essence?
    „Die Neandertaler als Vorbild des alternativen Überlebens.”, so nenne ich das.
    We can learn so much from prehistory.

The Salon will take place via a Telegram-Chat-Group. You will go for a walk in a forest or park nearby starting at 3 [removed] on Saturday 27. February 2021. You’ll need to take your phone and headphones with you on your walk. Via the Telegram-Chat-Group you will receive different audio pieces for about one hour. We invite you to listen to them wherever you are outside in a park or the woods. If you like you are welcome to share a picture of your location in the group or exchange ideas respectively. The artist will be present and happy to chat with you. After the event you will receive a limited edition postcard by the artist via airmail.
The Telegram-Chat-Group will be deleted after the event. The Salon is in English and German.


Please register

if you would like to receive a limited edition postcard by the artist.


Current events at ABA

We are pleased to announce ABAs participation in this years edition of VORSPIEL of Transmediale and CTM festival. Feel free to join our ongoing online events here:

ABA Air Salon – 16. February 2021 – TEXTILE by Joris Perdieus
The one-hour radio show is conceived as a collage of electronic sound, found footage and field recordings. It’s sonic range spreads from city-sounds over spoken word through ambient textures and Musique Concrète to glitchy beats. The entire sonic landscape has been created by Joris Perdieus, sometimes under his sound-design moniker TEXTILE. The piece consists almost entirely of electronically synthesized sound, combined with field recordings made in Berlin during the first weeks of the residency.









Rhona Muehlebach (CH/UK)

Residency Sep 2020 – Feb 2021


My work develops out of everyday relationships with, and attractions to humans, animals, objects or places that I consider companions. The will to understand this attraction – emotionally and not rationally – and the relation between the companions and myself leads to the work.
My practice deals with organic as well as inorganic materials and their process to address the multiple forms narrative can assume. I am interested in the role ecology plays in narrative construction, and the capacity of landscape as a living archive. I am drawn to the phenomena of representation and iteration. A constant point of reference in my work is the role played by video in mediating histories, narratives and spaces.
The narratives I create are fuelled by historical anecdotes and by scientific research, mainly in biology and geography. The writing weaves together different threads and transfigures its source material. It excites me how closely interwoven terms like science fiction, reality, fiction, facts and speculative fiction are. The area of friction where these terms meet, is the place I enjoy being with my work.

Supported by Prohelvetia

Image:  Rhona Muehlebach


Andres Villa Torres (MEX/ CH)


Residency Sep 2020 – Feb 2021


Active in the fields of “new” media, computer and algorithmic arts. Andrés explores issues from politics, society, philosophy, media and technology through artistic practice and research. Andrés works mostly with algorithms, computational processes, data, signals, public space, sound, light, live coding and the web.

Supported by Prohelvetia



Image:  Andres Villa Torres, 2021

Anna Dasović (NL)

Residency Sep 2020 – Jan 2021


Anna Dasović’s artistic practice is focused on the rhetorical structures that make genocidal violence visible, and those deployed to obscure the politically inconvenient aspects of such conflicts. What are representations of such extreme violence intended to communicate despite their original intentions? What ideological narratives do such representations participate in on a structural level? The production and use of (visual) documents are examined in their quest for truth finding or the social and/or political perceptions they seek to form, while simultaneously exposing their legislative and archival inability to cope with trauma caused by violence. Here, the archive serves both as a physical place for these documents and a metaphor of collective humiliation and remorse.

Supported by Mondriaan Fund


Image:  Anna Dasović


Alexei Kuzmich (BLR)

Residency: 1 Now– 31 Dec, 2020


On polling day in the Belarusian presidential elections on 9 August 2020, the performance artist Alexei Kuzmich undressed himself at his local polling station in Minsk, sticking his polling card — which he’d emblazoned with a phallus — onto his bare chest. He tied a blindfold over his eyes. For a few moments, he spread his arms wide, as if crucified, shocking electoral observers. It was part one of his performance, “I Believe or the Philistine World of Political Animals”. “For me, this performance was about the belief in democracy, our ignorance of the circumstances in which we elect leaders, and the demagoguery used by politicians,” Kuzmich told The Calvert Journal. “I made a parallel between politics, democracy, and the archaic principle of choosing the domineering male in a tribe — hence the sketch of a phallus.” Security forces chatted to him in the courtyard outside the polling station, but quickly let him go.
Supported by Goethe-Institut


Image:  [removed]

#76 Salon hosted by Magali Dougoud



The Womxn Waves I-II-III 

Oct 8, 2020
Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin, Germany

All the womxn’s bodies that crossed the rivers and canals of the city of Berlin are connected with each other. They were killed there, died, or only passed through these liquid spaces and together they grew into an original memory that connects distant pasts and potential futures. In this new narration a population has emerged from this violence and loss: the Womxn Waves.




Image: Magali Dougoud: Still from the video work: The Womxn Waves I, 2020



#75 Salon 
hosted by Joris Perdieus



Sep 19, 2020, 17:00
Schwedenstraße 16, 13357 Berlin, Germany


Immersive Installation.
Room A: The Healing Room

You are invited into a dark room. You enter it by yourself. Inside you are immersed in a healing sound. You are immersed in a healing wind. You are there for a while. To discover the rocks.

The installation is A result of the research Joris conducted on nonvisual atmospheric and scenographic actors in his artpractice



Image: Room B, during the Salon, 2020, Berlin



#74 Salon 
hosted by Igor Sevcuk 



Mapping a transnational memory: the case of person [removed]
Aug 26, 2020, 17:00h Schöneberger Ufer 57, Berlin, Germany


Three fields of materials – voice recordings, textual references, and retraced photographs – interrelate with a case of transnational memory. The person marked as [removed] is a migrant worker from Banja Luka, who disappeared in Berlin in 1974. Next to the interviews with [removed]’s children, some other – real and imagined – personalities are also introduced to the case.


Image: Igor Sevcuk 






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