radio transmission 19 February – 19h Pak Yan Lau — Add wings to a pepper to make a dragonfly Sonic impressions inspired by haiku’s: with a mix of live made concrete sounds, archival online sounds, instruments and voice, we trail the haiku’s through different moods.[>more info]. Access to the ==> radio stream With the support of an Activiteitenpremie of the Flemish Community
streaming 25 + 26 February – starting 18h30 We had no idea the microphone was on – students of La Cambre We are cyborgs — works by Terje Abusdal, Léna Babinet, Chloé Delchini, Emma Delforge, Sophia Dieckschaefer, Xavier Duffaut, Perrine Estienne, Gabriel René Franjou, Silja Hubert, Margot Lassoie, Loubna Ouaqqa, Camille Poitevin, Pedro Riofrio, Apo Sanguinède, Léa Santantonios, Laetitia Troilo. [>more info]
radio transmission 2 April – 19h Oceanographies Institute The Oceanographies Institute studies the relation between the human body and the vast body of the ocean. It is interested in singular human-ocean encounters and the knowledge that is inherent in those encounters. In a series of private meetings, the Ocean Conversations and Demonstrations, the Institute dives into different people’s experiences and memories of the ocean. [>more info]
platform conversation 24 February – 14h PAM [removed] PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media arts) shares knowledge about the development, production, distribution, presentation, and reflection of audiovisual and media arts. [>more info]
lockdown package All live events are suspended till April 1st, due to the general cultural lockdown. They will be rescheduled at a later moment. However, in the meantime you can listen to some podcasts, read good books and listen to our latest cassette releases, or watch videos of some recent talks and events.
tape release Mayday Radio Marathon: work on tape by Lazara Rosell Albear + Giovanni Lami / Elisa Ferrari + Olli Aarni / Diana Duta & Julia E Dyck + martiensgohome / Teresa Cos + Planète Concrète / Edyta Jarzab & Pawel Kreis + Penates Oscillation Mayday Radio Marathon took place over 39 hours in May 2020, incidentally during the Covid-19 lockdown. It was broadcast online and on FM radio, in collaboration with several community radio partners. Ten new pieces of the forty-six contributions are brought together for this series of five cassettes. Design by Meeuw. Released as cassettes and as download on Bandcamp.[>more info]
publication The Middle Matter: sound as interstice The Middle Matter is a reader which brings together thoughts on the nature of sound; its substance, specific qualities, and potential – with a specific curiosity to its propensity to occupy the spaces in-between, the instertitial gaps between different spaces, times, cultures, and world views, between the interior body and the exterior space. Contributions by Enrico Malatesta, Séverine Janssen, Tomoko Sauvage & Akio Suzuki, Lila Athanasiadou, Carolyn Chen, Justin Bennett, Brandon LaBelle, Anna Raimondo & Edyta Jarząb, Jennifer Walshe, Gary Schultz, Salomé Voegelin, Marc Matter, Franziska Windisch, David Toop, Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima, Mark Fell. Interviews with Jonathan Frigeri, ooooo, Paulo Dantas, Melissa E. Logan, Isabelle Stragliati, Alice Pamuk, Klaas Hübner, Wederik De Backer, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, Lucie Vítková. Edited by Caroline Profanter, Henry Andersen & Julia Eckhardt. Design by Ward Heirwegh. [>more info]
publication Eliane Radigue – Intermediary Spaces/Espaces intermédiaires Éliane Radigue is considered one of the most innovative and influential contemporary composers, from her early electronic music through to her acoustic work of the last fifteen years. In the long interview that forms the body of this publication, Éliane Radigue talks about her work, her reflections and underlying research, as well as her historical context. Editor: Julia Eckhardt / French redaction: Benoit Deuxant, Jean-François Caro / English translation and redaction: Eleanor Ivory Weber / Design: Ines Cox [>more info]
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