Installation views I Harm and Charm I Aisha Christison & Margarita Maximova I prolonged until 6. March

Damien & The Love Guru

graphic design by Sophie Keij / Atelier Brenda

Harm and Charm 

Aisha Christison & Margarita Maximova
writings by Artun Alaska Arasli


The exhibition will be prolonged until 6. March 2021

Installation view

Aisha Christison, Waste management, 2020, oil on linen, 80 x 100 cm / [removed] x [removed] in

Installation view

Installation view

Margarita Maximova, Sway a way, 2020, video installation, stainless steel, HD video, audio, 11′ 40”

Aisha Christison, A-R-T-I-C-U-L-A-T-E, 2020, oil on linen, stainless steel, variable dimensions

Margarita Maximova, Madmen, informers, sleuths, seducers, 2020, single screen video, audio, 4′ 06”

Aisha Christison, Nightlight, 2021, epoxy clay, plastic, battery powered LED, cable, 
27 x 27 x 7 cm / [removed] x [removed] x [removed] in

Julian Irlinger

13. March – 24. April 2021
Damien & The Love Guru. Brussels 


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For more information please contact:

Priya Shetty +32 477 58 79 73

Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

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