What’s happening at AVL Mundo

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What’s happening at AVL Mundo

Art Nativity Scene (Kunst Kerststal)

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AVL Mundo, Atelier Van Lieshout and Plusplunt bring light to these dark days with an Art Nativity Scene and fundraising in and around the M4H area. A pilgrimage for people between the ages of 8 and 88 who, regardless of their beliefs or disbeliefs, who want to come together in solidarity or because they feel lonely and displaced. Of course, everything with due regard the latest corona measures.

The Art Nativity Scene at the Keileweg is a diorama, a life-size spectacle, with revolving temple dancers, challenging Hanukkah candlesticks, spoiled godsons, rotating fertility priests, and of course babies as radiant centers.

Ongoing daily is the Christmas Audio Tour for the whole family. On December 23, a take-away Christmas dinner will be served for (ex) homeless people and others in vulnerable situations. On the weekends, with a hot chocolate in hand, come listen to the unlicensed Street Musicians that have problems earning money in these difficult times.

Under the adagio “burn a candle for yourself”, together we torch the misery of the past year in the fire pits at the Sculpture Park.

The activities around the Kunst Kerststal also ring the final bells for the last days of the outdoor exhibition Let’s Get Physical in the M4H area. In a solidarity setting, walk this beautiful route with over 30 statues. In the happy expectation that 2021 may be a better year and that we may leave 2020 behind us.

Entrance is free, registration is not necessary.

Sculpture park AVL Mundo
Keileweg 18, Rotterdam

Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00
Weekend 12:00 – 17:00
Except for December 25th and January 1st

Fake Me Hard

FAKE ME HARD part 1 is the kick-off of a spectacular exhibition at the interface of art and technology, planned from June 25 to Aug 15, 2021 by the creators of ROBOT LOVE and TEC ART in collaboration with AVL Mundo / Worm.

FMH is urgent and has a big wow factor. How do we survive the “post-truth” society? Are people in control or are algorithms taking over? Artificial Intelligences are already characterized as omniscient. Will they become the new Gods? Do they determine what is fact or fiction while human truths slowly become irrelevant? Technology was once a tool in the service and extension of human beings. But tech has become a supreme system, driven by a handful of big companies. People are played apart “users” in fake news environments, automatically generated from their profile. Each of us is condemned to his / her / their own bubble, a meaningfully disconnected illusory world. To use Matrix terms: we can no longer choose between the red or the blue pill. Only the blue pill is available. 

FAKE ME HARD takes the audience on a trip into a new dimension. Physical and online locations become players in a magical landscape. The loss of meaning may sound alarming, team human does not give in. With the artists on the front line, we investigate our cultural capital. In the FMH kick-off Daito Manabe, Joey Holder, Viviane Komati, Frederik de Wilde, Marnix de Nijs and Joep van Lieshout navigate the complexity of the 21st century.

‘Complexity is not a condition to be tamed, but a lesson to be learned.’ James Bridle

4 t/m 7 feb 2021 during Rotterdam Art Week 
Every day from [removed] – [removed]

Keileweg 18, Rotterdam
Tickets: € 6,-

Tickets (will go on sale soon): [removed]
More info: [removed] 

Kunst Kerststal

AVL Mundo, Atelier Van Lieshout en Pluspunt brengen licht in deze donkere dagen met een Kunst Kerststal en een goede doel actie in en rondom het M4H gebied. Een bedevaartsoort voor mensen tussen de 8 en 88 jaar die zich wellicht eenzaam en ontheemd voelen, ongeacht het geloof dat ze aanhangen.

De Kunst Kerststal aan de Keileweg is een levensgroot diorama met ronddraaiende tempeldansers, uitdagende Chanoeka-kandelaars, verwende godenzonen, roterende vruchtbaarheidspriesters, en natuurlijk babies als stralende middelpuntjes.

Ook is er doorlopend een Kerst Audio Speurtocht voor de hele familie en op 23 december een take-away kerstdiner voor (ex)dak- en thuislozen en anderen in een kwetsbare situatie. Luister in het weekend met een warme chocolademelk in de hand naar de Straatmuzikanten-zonder-vergunning die hier hun een broodnodig centje bij verdienen in moeilijke tijden.
Onder het mom van ‘brand een kaarsje voor jezelf’ fakkelen we de ellende van het afgelopen jaar af in de vuurkorven in het Beeldenpark.

Vier de laatste dagen van de Let’s Get Physical tentoonstelling in deze solidaire setting, in de blijde verwachting dat 2021 een beter jaar mag worden.

Toegang is gratis, aanmelden is niet nodig.

Beeldenpark AVL Mundo
Keileweg 18, Rotterdam
Ma-Vrij 09:00 – 17:00
Weekend12:00 – 17:00
[removed] 1e kerstdag en nieuwjaarsdag


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