Major work by David Lamelas in Antwerp threatened with demolition, we ask you for your support. Quand le ciel bas et lourd (When the sky low and heavy) was realised for the exhibition America. Bride of the Sun: 500 Years Latin-America and the Low Countries at the KMSK (Royal Museum of Fine Arts) in Antwerp (1992). The work deals with the relation between nature and the industrial society as well as with colonisation and questions of oppression, struggle and [removed];Quand le ciel bas et lourd is an extremely rare example in Belgium of a public monument critically reflecting on the colonial past. It is also one of the most important works in David Lamelas’ oeuvre.
Due to the ongoing renovation of the KMSK involving a new access to the museum, plans had been developed to move it slightly to the corner of the park surrounding the museum. Unfortunately the Flemish government withdrew its initial proposal that was accepted by the artist and now no longer wants to rebuild the work. A letter by Lamelas asking Jan Jambon, Flemish Minister of Culture, to reconsider his decision has remained unanswered.
We are therefore launching a public campaign inviting everyone to co-sign the original letter which will be resent to the Minister of Culture on December 15 in the hope the work can be saved from [removed];
More information is available here.
You can express your support directly on our website or by replying to this email before December 15.
Thank you.
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