[Constant_news] * * C O N S T A N T * N E W S * * December 2020 * *

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+ C O N S T A N T N E W S L E T T E R
+ This is the newsletter of Constant
+ Organisation for art and media
+ [removed]
+ December 2020
+ English version
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+ In this newsletter:
+ 14/12 + 15/12 DiVersions v2 (guided tour, workshop, publication)
+ 25/09-17/01 Looking for inyambo (Constant Vitrine)
+ 16/12 Topic Modeling with e-traces (algorithmic reading)
+ 16/12 Media Culture Fast Forward (Online)
+ Warp and Weft Wintercollection 2020 (archive weavings)
+ Bedside tales of Bureaucracksies (worksession, publication)
+ SOS-relief
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DiVersions engaged with the potential of on-line cultural heritage for
welcoming various forms of collaboration, allowing conflicts to show up,
and make space for other narratives. In dialogue with cultural
institutions and their collections, the project experimented with
digitized and digital heritage to open up databases, metadata, catalogs
and digital infrastructures for other imaginations. This month, we close
off the four year project with a guided tour, workshop and a

What: DiVersions v2 guided tour
Where: [removed]
When: Monday 14 December 15:00-16:00

Last chance! Elodie Mugrefya and Femke Snelting guide you through the
on-line exhibition, find us here:

What: A New Browser Ceremony: An afternoon on-line with Zoumana Meite
and Martino Morandi
Where: [removed]
When: Tuesday 15 December 2020, 14:00-17:00

Zoumana and Martino share their ongoing research into digital catalogs
of museums, cultural institutes and heritage platforms and possible
alternatives to their current forms. Their experiments point at the
historical issues with current models and policies for knowledge
administration: colonial heritage, imperial intentions, gendering
structures, hierarchical values… Participants are invited to look
closely at the data structures, models, information systems and
graphical representations which format online catalogs. It is also an
occasion to open up or break out of some of the restrictions that stop
visitors from imagining different relations to “the collection”.

What: DiVersions v2 print + on-line publication
Where: [removed]
When: Avalaible from 17 December

Launch of the second version of a digital and printed publication with
new and reworked contributions by among others Daniel Blanga Gubbay, Z.
Blace, Hari Prasad Adhikari-Sacré, Kris Rutten, Gert Biesta and Anne
Laforet. Designed with Open Source Publishing (Sara Magnan + Gijs de

What: DiVersions v2 On-line exhibition
Where: [removed]

In seven on-line installations, artists show how digital collections of
cultural institutions could welcome very different and even opposing
views. Decolonial and intersectional perspectives call for a rethinking
of on-line cultural heritage. What if we would arrange otherwise, invent
material ways to move with data and listen to metadata’s uncertainties?
With: Collection of uncertainties (Marie Lécrivain, Colm o’Neill),
Sketchy recognition (Michael Murtaugh, Nicolas Malevé), When organic
trees meet the data tree (Anaïs Berck), Material Journeys Through Other
Realities (Phil Langley, Mia Melvær), The weight of things (Cristina
Cochior), A new fire ceremony (Zoumana Meïté, Martino Morandi),
Diff3r3ntVversionsArePOSSIBLE?!. (Z.)

Please register for tours and workshop or to order your printed book by
sending an email to Donatella Portoghese: DiVersions is a project initiated by Constant, Association for Art and
Media, in collaboration with UGent – Department of Educational Studies,
Department of Educational Studies, Werkplaats immaterieel erfgoed,
VIAA/PACKED – Expertisecentrum Digitaal Erfgoed, RoSa – Kenniscentrum
voor gender en feminisme. The second version of the DiVersions
publication will be published in December 2020.
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What: Looking for inyambo
Where: Constant Vitrine Rue du Fortstraat 5, 1060 Saint-Gilles
When: From 25 September 2020 to 17 January 2021

This installation tells the story of a modest quest; looking for
something while being unsure whether it actually exists. It is an
attempt to navigate the past, present and future despite geographic and
linguistic other/non-place. Slowly coming to terms with permanent

Listen to Looking for inyambo:
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What: Topic Modeling with e-traces
Where: [removed]
When: Wednesday 16 December 10:00-18:00

Algolit will meet around e-traces, a collection of articles on the
surveillance society and the trading of data, gathered over the last 10
years by artist Michel Cleempoel. The proposal is to take topic
modelling as an algorithmic agent to ’read through’ the data. We will
meet online: [removed]
Algolit is an artistic workgroup around FLOSS literature and code, they
organise regular meetings following the Oulipo principle. There is no
need for programming knowledge, but if you have it, you’re of course
very welcome as well. The process will be documented during the day.

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What: Meet the Makers – Artists in Residence
When: Wednesday 16 December 13:00

An Mertens will participate in a panel about Artists in Residence during
the online edition of Media Culture Fast Forward. Other participants are
artists Vanessa Brazeau, Jo Caimo, Matteo Marangoni and moderator Lisa
Kinnaer (Kunstenpunt). Media & Culture Fast Forward is an initiative of
the VRT in cooperation with the Department of Culture, Youth and Media
around the future of media and culture. It originates from Media Fast
Forward, an annual inspiration and networking festival that brings
together professionals, entrepreneurs, creative people, researchers and
policy makers to think about digital challenges.

Full program: [removed]
Description panel (in Dutch):
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What: Warp and Weft Wintercollection 2020
Where: [removed]

Algorithms and Text, Slippery Knowledge, Collective Hospitality, Pattern
Recognition … this year’s Warp and Weft collection activates the
mesohyl of Constant’s on-line ecosystem and threads tracks through
sounds, videos and images hosted on our servers. Warps invite you to
navigate to and through documentation, media and notes. Wefts are
thematic constellations that establish relationships between different
projects in the Constant Galaxy. Wefts and warps make use of etherpads
(pages for on-line collaborative editing) to connect heterogeneous
elements in the Constant.
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What: Bedside tales of Bureaucracksies

The work session Bureaucracksy, which takes place in december, brings
together artistic and activist practices around the imaginative
re-appropriations of rules and regulations. A group of thirty artists
that responded to an open call, will work dispersedly together, sharing
imaginations of counter-accountancies and -accountabilities, of how to
engage with paperwork, systemics and logistics.

The session will result in a collective collection of late night
stories. These Bedside tales of Bureaucracksies are destined to invade
our dreams. They can be trans-feminist scripts, or anti-capitalist
spells, They might be pamphlets or children’s stories. They could be
radical administrative recitals, decolonial algorithms, ambient
spreadsheets, fairy-tale fabrics, hummed scores, unruly writings.

A first versions of these writings will be made public through this link
at the dawn of the new year.

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What: SOS-relief
Where: [removed]

SOS Relief is an online tool that allows those with surplus to transfer
small amounts of money to who is short. The initiative offers concrete
financial support for everyone in Belgium who needs it. State of the
Arts: “SOS Relief is based on a different way of thinking: solidarity,
redistribution and interdependency can make our society more fair to

Constant supports this modest experiment warmly. Donate a small, large
or regular amount if you can afford it … or ask for support if you
need it.
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+ C O N S T A N T
+ rue du Fortstraat 5
+ 1060 St-Gilles, Brussels
+ T / F: +32 (0)2 5392467
+ +
+ Constant is supported by:
+ Departement Cultuur, Jeugd, Sport en Media van de Vlaamse Overheid
+ Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie
+ Fonds Maribel Social / [removed]
+ Région de Bruxelles-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
+ Dienst Nederlandstalige aangelegenheden van de Gemeente Sint-Gillis
+ Wallonie-Bruxelles International
+ Services du Gouvernement Francophone Bruxellois
+ Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
+ Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
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