NADA Miami I Mickael Marman I December 1 – 5 I Kammer Rieck, Berlin

Damien & The Love Guru

Mickael Marman, Male Painter, 2020, acrylics, paper and spray paint on canvas, 40 x 60 cm / [removed] x [removed] in


NADA Miami 

Mickael Marman


Damien & The Love Guru is pleased to present a selection of works by Mickael Marman from 2014 — 2020 in the context of this years edition of NADA Miami online and offline in the space of Kammer / Rieck in Berlin.
Due to covid-19 and coextending restrictions NADA Miami 2020 is taking place in a reimagined format this [removed];

Address of the presentation at Kammer/ Rieck:
Pariser Strasse 61
10719 Berlin

Opening Hours
1. – 5. December 2020
Tuesday  – Saturday from 12  – 6 pm

Covid measures will be in place during the opening days.
Please bring your own mask and keep your distance.

Online Viewing Rooms will be live at [removed];on Tuesday, December 1, 10am EST through Saturday, December 5, 11:59pm. NADA Miami
December 1–5, 2020




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For more information please contact:

Priya Shetty +32 477 58 79 73

Rue de Tamines 19
1060 Brussels

Wednesday – Saturday
12 – 6 pm
and by appointment

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3 thoughts on “NADA Miami I Mickael Marman I December 1 – 5 I Kammer Rieck, Berlin

  1. Pingback: dark168
  2. Pingback: Pedalo Wiebelbrug

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