Opening 2 september: Mobile Cinema versus Digital Cinema

Opening Wednesday 2 September 20:00h

Mobile Cinema vs Digital Cinema

Installation and performance by Annegret Bleisteiner and Toni Wirthmüller
Wednesday 2 September
19:30h – 22h
B32 Artspace
Mariabastion 50

Mobile Cinema versus Digital Cinema consists of artists who express themselves with videos on the subject of inside and outside. Organised by Annegret Bleisteiner & Toni Wirthmüller, MC vs DC focuses on the possibilities and dangers of  digital media and the different perception of video on a small smartphone screen or a large projected  [removed];In times of Corona, digital media, Zoom, Youtube, Instagram and Facebook are mostly used to stay [removed];Mobile Cinema was shown before in Hamburg, Munich, Istanbul and [removed];In 2019 Mobile Cinema Reloaded was performed in Helsinki, Nelimarkka and Rome.

The MC vs DC project deals with mobility and closeness, which is difficult in times of Corona. That is why Annegret Bleisteiner and Toni Wirthmüller are focusing on performing the videos while being shown in a bag. In this way they try to connect the outside with the inside and emphasise themes of social distancing and closeness, and at the same time giving the selected videos a permanent home in the bag. In the upcoming days they will already start their performance in the streets of [removed];

Annegret Bleisteiner and Toni Wirthmüller will realise a site specific installation combined with live performances at the exhibition opening.

Due to the Corona measures, only a limited number of people can enter our exhibition space at the same time. So you may have to wait outside before entering… we provide drinks and / or umbrellas if [removed];

Hope to see you!

25th September, 19:00h

Opening : A Line in the Sand
Nobuo Shimose & Charlotte Koenen

on the occasion of BIP Liège 2020

Nobuo Shimose, Ostrich Fern (Kurokawa, Hagi), 2014

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