Marjolein Rothman | False Color | Opening Thursday September 3, 5-9 pm

Marjolein Rothman | False Color | Opening Thursday September 3, 5-9 pm


We would like to invite you to the opening of:
Marjolein Rothman
False Color
September 3 – October 17, 2020
Opening gallery season Amsterdam: September 3-5 
Thursday September 3, 5-9 pm in presence of the artist
Friday September 4 and Saturday September 5, 12-6 pm
Albada Jelgersma Gallery is pleased to open the new gallery season with Marjolein Rothman: False Color. This will be her first solo exhibition with the gallery. On view will be eight paintings of her latest series.
When looking at Rothman’s paintings one senses a tension between what is defined and what is concealed. The plants from her latest series seem to emerge at the same time as they disappear, as if they are illuminated for this one brief moment. Rothman’s choice of color is part of this delicate play. Rendering the subject with fictional colors, she searches for what lies underneath the surface: False Color, capturing something that our eyes cannot normally see.
The paintings were made in one session, rapidly painted on aluminum plates, mistakes not hidden. Using single brushstrokes and sweeping gestures that leave the act of painting visible as a performative action, the image is fixated in the very moment of creation. The plants in False Color take on new meaning: going beyond their actual representation, they venture into the realm of the timelessness and universal.
Marjolein Rothman’s work presents an ongoing research into iconic imagery. Through a process of repetition and reduction, Rothman’s paintings deconstruct their subjects and raise questions about their existential value, connecting them to the viewer’s personal experiences. In the past her series have dealt with power structures, historical portraits and religious artifacts as well as personal photographs. Since 2017 she has solely focused on the classical subject of plants and flowers, manifesting her engagement with the tradition of painting.

Marjolein Rothman (1974) lives and works in Amsterdam. She received her education at the AKI in Enschede (1994-1999) and was an artist-in-residence at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam in 2003-04. She has been awarded the Dutch Royal Prize for Painting in 2004. She has exhibited in the Netherlands at: De Kunsthal, Rotterdam, De Vleeshal, Middelburg, Stadsgalerij Heerlen, De Vishal Haarlem, De Nederlandsche Bank and Motive Gallery, Amsterdam. Abroad, she has shown at Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm (2009, 2012, 2016, 2019), Maison Particuliere, Brussels (2014) and NK Gallery, Antwerp (2013, 2017). Since 2010 Marjolein Rothman lectures Fine Art at AKI ArtEZ, Enschede and HKU, Utrecht.
Information regarding your visit
Due to the Covid measures, the gallery opening will be extended over three days and it is recommended to book a timeslot via
Gallery Viewer
Albada Jelgersma is pleased to announce its collaboration with the online platform
Gallery Viewer, which will host the opening of the gallery season in Amsterdam. For the online preview of Marjolein Rothman's exhibition click here.
Image: Plant X, 2019, oil on aluminum, 140 x 100 cm.


Lijnbaansgracht 318
1017 WZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Open during exhibitions: Wednesday through Saturday 1-6 pm and by appointment.



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