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Repeated Affinity

Aleksandra Domanović, Gaillard & Claude, Manfred Jade

curated by Constance Barrère Dangleterre

26th January 2013 – 16th March 2013
PV – 26th January 5-8pm

“It was through the service of that same earth that modeling portraits from clay was first invented by Butades, a potter of Sycion, at Corinth. He did this owing to his daughter, who was in love with a young man; and she, when he was going abroad, drew in outline on the wall the shadow of his face thrown by a lamp. Her father pressed clay on this and made a relief, which he hardened by exposure to fire with the rest of his pottery; and it is said that this likeness was preserved in the Shrine of the Nymphs until the destruction of Corinth by [removed];
Pliny the Elder, Natural History, vol. 9, Book XXXV, 43, p. 371-373

MOTINTERNATIONAL BRUSSELS is pleased to announce a group exhibition by Aleksandra Domanović, Gaillard & Claude and Manfred Jade.

Since antiquity humans have been representing themselves through the medium and practice of portraiture. Portraiture can link together the sacred with the profane, society with the individual subject. In Repeated Affinity, the works presented challenge notions inherent to the genre, with the exhibition conceived as a deviation from classical arrangement of a portrait gallery.

Domanović’s work catches a figure halfway between a painted portrait and a digitally sculpted bust. The resulting representation originates from the artist’s memories of a female school teacher and a portrait of Tito. Having encountered them together in the classroom on a daily-basis, Bump Map is a psychological embodiment of these two images, turned by the artist into a hyper-realistic and androgynous character. The work, due to its computer generated aspects, might stand for a hybrid generation: past apparitions looking for a pop-futuristic life.

Both of the works Untitled from the series Le groupe et la famille by Gaillard & Claude are exposures of the human psyche. The artists have produced two pieces of unique marbled paper, together with a single handmade 200 gram pill of paracetamol. This combination of a trivial remedy, enlarged to give it the potential to heal hundreds of people’s headaches, together with the dense, abstract magma of the marbled paper, confronts the viewer with a simultaneously chaotic and calming nebula. The works can be described as atmospheric portraits, in which a group of individuals is depicted in eternal motion between the personal and the collective.

Manfred Jade’s photographs question how we represent ourselves as both individuals, and in relation to others: as viewers, partners, etc. The series On the beach is descriptive of idealized scenarios: couples walking by the the seaside, sharing a moment of leisure. In contrast, Jade’s series of highly choreographed black & white portraits, document youths in stark isolation. The posed Portraits are reminiscent of Fayoum paintings, holding a sense of their timeless watchfulness that engages the audience.

Aleksandra Domanović was born in 1981 in Novi Sad, former Yugoslavia. She lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Selected exhibitions include: Turbo Sculpture, SPACE, London, 2012; Aleksandra Domanović & Oliver Laric, Villa du Parc – Centre d’Art Contemporain Annemasse, France, 2012; Aleksandra Domanović & Sharon Hayes, Tanya Leighton / Proyectos Monclova, Mexico [removed], Mexico, 2012; Resonance and Repetition, Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, USA, 2012; Les Cadeaux Du Présent, Centré d’art Nechâtel, Switzerland, 2011; 19:30, Galerija 001, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2011; Free, New Museum, New York, USA, 2011.

Gaillard & Claude were born in 1974/1975 in France. They live and work in Brussels, Belgium. Selected exhibitions include: Our Friends’ Units With Several Other Units, Galerie Loevenbruck, Paris, France, 2012; The Flesh, Lage-Berlin, Germany, 2012; Campo Campo, OUI OUI !!!, Campo & Campo, Antwerp, Belgium; CELLULOID BRUSHES, Établissement d’en face, Brussels, Belgium, 2011; Anonymously Yours, L’Observatoire Maison Grégoire, Brussels, Belgium, 2011; Exposition, Odense Kunsthal, Odense, Danemark, 2010; Buy-Sellf // Retour vers le Futur, CAPC – Musée d’Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France, 2010.

Manfred Jade was born in 1961 in Düsseldorf, Germany. He lives and works in Brussels, Belgium and Hanoi, Vietnam. Selected solo exhibitions include: New portraits, Rossicontemporary, Brussels, Belgium, 2008; Galerie Kunsthaus Oberkasser, Düsseldorf, Germany, 2004; Instituto Su- perior de Arte, Havana, Cuba, 2003; MAC, Museu de Arte Contemporânea Goiania ,Goiania, Brasil, 2002; Art&com, Brussels, Belgium, 2001; Archétype, Brussels, Belgium, 1999; Centre d’art contemporain, Kerguehennec, France, 1998; Galerie Michel Rein, Paris, France, 1998; Ecole Régionale des Beaux-Arts, Valence, France, 1998


Repeated Affinity opens in conjunction with:
– Gaillard & Claude, Carles Congost at MIDPOINT
– Irene Kopelman at Motive Gallery
– Sebastian Diaz Morales at Galerie Catherine Bastide
– Joachim Koester at Galerie Jan Mot




Dennis Oppenheim

Project Arts Centre, Dublin 
25th January – 30th March 2013
Guest curated by Anthony Huberman

Skin: an Artistic Atlas
Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin
1st March – 30th April 2013

Elizabeth Price

Elizabeth Price
Teijin Auditorium, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
31st January 2013, [removed] [removed]

Laure Prouvost

Laure Prouvost / Adam Chodzko
Tate Britain, London
28th January – 12th May 2013
as part of the exhibition ‘Schwitters in Britain’

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ICA, London
30 January 2013, 7pm

Clunie Reid

Perspectives on Collage
The Photographer’s Gallery, London
18th January – 7th April 2013

MOTINTERNATIONAL are pleased to announce that they are now representing Raphael Danke and the estate of BANK.




First Floor, 72 New Bond Street, London, W1S 1RR

Rue Vandenbrandenstraat 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

+44 (0)20 7491 7208
+44(0)7931 305 104