Onomatopee news!

5 November – 17 December 2011

Friday November 4th, 20:00

During GLOW / Nov 5th – 12th, every day 18:00 – 23:00
Afterwards: Thu-Sun, 13:00 – 17:00

Onomatopee 67: Research Project
At how many lux… ?

Picture: Ungunstraum / Rimini Protokoll, 1998

Location: Onomatopee, Bleekweg, Eindhoven

When individuals encounter ‘the system’:
Maarten Bel (NL), Steffen Kraska (NL/G), Laibach NSK (SI), Other / Troy Lovegates (Can), PicaPica (B), Thomas Plaesschaart (FR), [removed] (Hans Winkler & Stefan Micheel /G), Jan Rooijackers (NL), Ungunstraum / Rimini Protokoll (G), Femke Schaap (NL) and Special Surprise Artists (INT) 

At how many lux …. do Banse and Pohl switch on the street lighting? We slowly feel the suspense build up towards this one decisive second when the two engineers approach the city’s electricity control centre to press the button. Light is cast upon the relation between the individual and the systems that encircle our modern life. In the works of the ten artists presented at this Onomatopee exhibition mutual dependencies are activated, become touchable and tangible.

The exhibition addresses how individuals reconsider collective systems. How do we navigate though the shimmery brightness gradients of society’s twilight zones? In which way do artists relate to or depend on, how do they play with or even dance upon them? Adapting the title of a 1998 performance by experimental theatre company Ungunstraum / Rimini Protokoll – At how many lux do Banse and Pohl switch the light on? -, the exhibition affiliates itself to the approach of situating artistic practices with utterly consequence in everyday life – or vice versa. Based on light-related works, At how many lux …? invites you to accompany Banse, Pohl and the ten other experts while pulling the switch. Who controls the power?

At how many lux …? Is conduced in the framework of GLOW- festival 

Curators/editors: Lene ter Haar, Robert Kaltenhäuser
Graphic design publication: Eric de Haas
Text: Lene ter Haar, Robert Kaltenhäuser
Partner organisation: [removed]
Supported by: Eindhoven City Council and Mondriaan Foundation

Onomatopee 68: Cabinet Project
‘How things genuinely speak, and [removed]’ 
By Min Oh

A trained pianist and graphic designer, Min Oh first of all calls herself a storyteller. Spoken language and linguistics are her tools, video and sound, paper and books her media. In her seemingly naïve narrations, Min Oh gives voice to inanimate objects, which become actors pretending to be human. When turning people – including herself – into objects and by animating things to get human-like characteristics, she navigates through higher and lower art, touching on performance art, video and [removed];

Curators/editors: Silke Opitz [removed] Ellen Zoete
Graphic design: Tomas Celizna
Text: Silke Opitz, Felicity Hogan and Ellen Zoete 
Partner organisation: Kunsthalle Erfurt
Supported by: Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen

Onomatopee [removed]: NEST project
Comfort zone & disillusion #4:
From here to there
Reality mappings
By Jozua Zaagman

Zaagman works in the gap between art, architecture, sociology and urban planning. He works visually yet analytically, collecting data in the public domain and using it to make a statement about socio-cultural tendencies in the urban environment. He maps traces of human activity, the actual imprints of people in our public terrain, bringing to life markers of a human scale which are otherwise invisible to those in power – the planners, policy makers, architects, etc. He allows these images a voice. This analytical way of working produces a specific spectrum of photos, sound recordings, text material and other data, which Zaagman, by means of applied design, makes accessible to the general public. Through this process he transforms hard facts into visual poetry, both of, and for, a human scale.

Jozua Zaagman will use Onomatopee as a base for his research into the public space of Brabantstad – what are the connections between the city’s actual chorographic identities and the way they are generally branded? His research will be done by bicycle – cycling virtual north-south lines from one city to another in as straight a line as possible, circumventing the lines on the map, eluding the conventional routes of the cities. He will also walk and whilst walking, Jozua will register traces of specific identities, and so map out the actual Brabantstad. Together with some previous work, the results of this research, maps, photos and audio and video fragments, will be displayed, in Onomatopee, as a work in [removed];

Curator/editor: Freek Lomme
Graphic design: Raw Color
Text: various

Partner organization:
Royal College of Arts, Design and Art Criticism department, London

Supported by:
BKKC/Province of North Brabant, Municipality of Eindhoven, 
Fund BKVB and Eindhoven City Council.

Onomatopee 63: Cabinet project
In an ongoing series of multidisciplinary in- stallations, movies, and publications entitled Art, Property of Politics, visual artist Jonas Staal investigates the meaning of visual art within contemporary political practice.

MISS READ artist book festival
November 25th to 27th 2011 

KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin.

About Onomatopee:
Onomatopee is an institution for reflection and communication. The foundation aims to question the parameters of our (visual) culture through research and presentations.

Onomatopee office & projectspace
Bleekstraat 23
5611 VB Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Opening hours:
Onomatopee is open from Thursdays to Sundays
13:00-17:00 and by appointment

Onomatopee is supported by:

Mondriaan Foundation 
and the city of Eindhoven

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For more information about art in Brabant, check[removed] (in Dutch only)


Onomatopee 71: Research project
The voice of…
Curator/editor: Freek Lomme 
Graphic design: Drawswords (Rob van den Nieuwenhuizen)
Text: various writers

Onomatopee 62: Research project 
Curators/editors: Freek Lomme and Ranti Tjan
Text: Freek Lomme, Ilse van Rijn, Ranti Tjan, Michael Kroeger and Johanna Drucker
Graphic design: Remco van Bladel
Supported by Mondriaan Foundation and municipality of Eindhoven

Onomatopee [removed]: Nest #6
Managing director, curator and editor: Freek Lomme
Graphic design publication: Raw Color
Text by: Freek Lomme
Supported by: City of Eindhoven and BKKC

Onomatopee 60: Research Project
Curator/editor: Freek Lomme
Texts: various 
Graphic design: Eric de Haas
Partner organisation: Van Abbemuseum
Supported by: Mondriaan Stichting, BKKC/Province of North Brabant and Eindhoven City Council.

Sponsor: Lecturis Printers

Onomatopee 55: 
Field Essays
Texts: Sophy Krier, Marek Pokropski
Graphic design Publication: Andreas Tscholl / Rene Put
Artistic advice and project administration: Freek Lomme 
Photography: LucyandBart
Supported by: Fonds BKVB, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, 
Lira fonds 

Onomatopee 57:
New Scenes
Esther Tielemans
Texts by Saskia van de Wiel and Freek Lomme
Graphic design by Adriaan Mellegers